Problem updating to 7.2
j w
jwdevel at
Mon Jul 16 06:31:50 UTC 2007
I tried reinstalling everything font-related, but no luck.
However - I did find out what was wrong afterall.
For some reason (no idea why) all the fonts in
/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/misc were these 20-byte 'junk' files.
I gunzip'ed them and they turned into 0-byte pcf files.
hence mkfontdir didn't list them as real fonts.
But the ports thought the files where there, so didn't update them.
So what I did was movethat whole fonts directory, then do a
distclean and re-install of all the font-related packages.
That put the correct files in X11/fonts, and I got X running.
Now I just need to reinstall xfce,firefox,etc,etc to get back to 'normal' (:
On 7/15/07, Mark Kirkwood <markir at> wrote:
> j w wrote:
> > Well, I'm still in the midst of this.
> > I de/re-installed all my xorg-related ports, and now I don't have any
> > of the old 6.9 stuff at all
> >
> > However, when trying to start X, I get the dreaded "could not find
> > default font 'fixed'" error.
> Try deinstall/reinstall on font-misc-misc and font-cursor-misc (at least
> - you may want to reinstall all font packages).
> Cheers
> Mark
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