dri and xorg 7.2.r3_4

SirDice sirdice at xs4all.nl
Wed Feb 7 13:01:37 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I've set my X11BASE to /usr/local in /etc/make.conf. Some time ago I 
rebuild my entire system using that. Tried upgrading my system today, 
did a portupgrade -a. Seems x11/xorg-7.2.r3_4 and graphics/dri-6.5.2_1,2 
don't agree on the location of the drivers.

Xorg checks for /usr/local/lib/modules/dri/r128_dri.so but dri installs 
them in /usr/local/lib/dri. As a consequence /usr/local/lib/modules/dri 
doesn't exist and xorg tries to build/install dri which fails because 
it's already installed.


Remko C.

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