intel i810 graphics card
Code Monkey
freebsd-list at
Sun Mar 5 18:25:14 PST 2006
Gary Palmer wrote:
> Hi,
> A relative is trying to install FreeBSD on an old Dell desktop with an
> i810 graphics card. Xorg won't start as there is no DRM support in
> the FreeBSD kernel for that card (at least that I can find). Is there
> any way of getting a decent resolution on that card? I tried the VGA
> driver, but it claimed there was insufficient memory for anything
> other than some 320x2?? resolution which is next to useless. I'm
> suspecting that since it probably "borrows" memory from the main
> memory, without a special driver they're stuck. Anyone got ideas?
> Thanks,
> Gary
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If I recall correctly, using the i810 graphics card requires that you
have agpgart enabled. This can be done by adding:
device agp
to your kernel conf and rebuilding it or by loading the module at boot
by adding:
to your /boot/loader.conf file.
The Handbook discusses this specifically in the X11 Configuration
section. There is a subsection in "Advanced Configuration Topics"
titled : " Configuration with Intel i810 Graphics Chipsets"
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