Doug Barton dougb at FreeBSD.org
Fri Jul 14 20:13:08 UTC 2006

Brooks Davis wrote:

> Assuming we deal with all the conflicting ports in the first round
> I don't fully buy this argument.  If most people can simply upgrade
> the ports in question then "rm -rf /usr/X11RC && ln -s /usr/local
> /usr/X11R6" will take care of config files.  That's admittedly a large
> assumption, but I don't think it's all that unreasonable.

That might add confusion for ports that are still have hidden dependencies
on /usr/X11R6, and also won't work at all if the decision is made to keep
the xorg/XFree bits in that directory.

> I think the argument for this change is that the use of X11BASE is
> pretty much random so it's no longer serving any useful purpose and the
> lack of consistency is a minor negative since you never know where an X
> related port will end up without reading the Makefile.

In my mind that's a good argument for making and enforcing consistent
policies, not for changing the defaults. But reasonable minds can differ on
this issue. Like I said, my mind is not made up yet one way or another, but
I have yet to see a very good reason for making the change.



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