Can anybody change the resolution to 1280x800?
Janvier Pang
janvier.roc at
Fri Dec 29 22:52:17 PST 2006
Is that possible to port the latest fglrx driver (for linux) to freebsd?
This driver works well on my linux platform on the same machine now.
Janvier Pang
On 12/29/06, SirDice <sirdice at> wrote:
> Erik Trulsson wrote:
> > On Fri, Dec 29, 2006 at 10:04:27AM +0800, Janvier Pang wrote:
> >> Bad news...
> >>
> >> But I can not find the supported resolution list as Adam said, how
> could I
> >> know what resolutions my graphic card supported?
> >
> > I believe that 'vidcontrol -i mode' will output a list of all the VESA
> > modes the graphics card provides support for. (And if you are using the
> > 'vesa' driver those are the only modes you can use.)
> You do need "options VESA" in the kernel config or the list will be very
> short and lacking the graphics modes.
> >> I'll read the document of again carefully, to see if there any
> >> solution for the resolution of my graphic card.
> >
> > I think that ATI provides a proprietary driver for their newer cards
> that
> > is supposed to work with (It is probably labeled as being for
> Linux,
> > but that should hoefully not matter since drivers are supposed to
> be
> > OS-neutral.) I have never tried using ATI's driver so I don't know
> > anything further about it than that it is supposed to exist.
> AFAIK this is not the case. There's a reason why NVidia has different
> drivers for Linux, FreeBSD and Sun.
> Again AFAIK the accelerated (proprietary or not) Xorg drivers all need a
> kernel module. This is pretty OS specific.
> Cheers,
> Remko C.
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