Experimental X.org ports updated to 7.2-RC3

Adam K Kirchhoff adamk at voicenet.com
Mon Dec 11 16:03:31 PST 2006

Florent Thoumie wrote:
> Adam K Kirchhoff wrote:
>> On Sun, 2006-12-10 at 09:24 -0500, Adam K Kirchhoff wrote:
>>> Florent Thoumie wrote:
>>>> Hey,
>>>> Yesterday (or was it two days ago) I updated X.org experimental ports in
>>>> the git repository to 7.2.r3. I had some time yesterday to run-test them
>>>> and everything seems fine except two things:
>>>> - type1 dynamic module has a missing symbol so it won't load properly.
>>>> - beryl doesn't seem to work with recent xorg-server/mesa/glproto (this
>>>> may only affect intel users though).
>>>> The Beryl Project should release 0.1.3 soon and that will (possibly)
>>>> address this issue.
>>>> Anyway, I will be busy this weekend so don't expect a fix/update before
>>>> monday.
>>>> Cheers.
>>> FYI,
>>>     I pulled the latest -CURRENT code on Friday (the 8th), rebuilt world 
>>> and kernel, installed it all, and then did a portupgrade yesterday.  I'm 
>>> now running 7.2 RC3.  Unfortunately, this bug is still showing up:
>>> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=ports/106370
>> Unfortunately, when I threw my nVidia card in and installed the driver
>> from ports, I experienced a whole new set of issues.  I symlinked the
>> driver and glx module to the new locations and started X (with
>> gnome-session in my .xinitrc file).   After a few seconds, the mouse
>> cursor disappeared and X locked up.  I rebooted (from a serial terminal)
>> and tried again with fvwm2.  That actually launched without problems.  I
>> started glxgears and it ran.  I quit glxgears by hitting escape.  Except
>> that it never returned me to a prompt at the terminal and the process
>> hung (though the glxgears window did go away).  After a few seconds, the
>> entire system crashed (which also happens if I try to start another GL
>> application). I've tried with version 9629, as well, but encountered the
>> same problem.
>> Version 8776 works fine, though.
> I guess such reports should be made on nVidia FreeBSD forum [1].
> [1] http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=47

I've added my comments to a thread where others have posted problems 
with the driver under -CURRENT.

On a somewhat related note...  It appears that the driver (at least all 
the versions I've tried so far) is not at all supported on -CURRENT at 
all.  Is it wise to let users install it on -CURRENT through the ports 
tree in that case? 


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