FreeBSD port: x11-servers/mga_hal should not be labelled RESTRICTED

Eric Anholt eta at
Thu Mar 31 21:22:09 PST 2005

On Fri, 2005-04-01 at 05:37 +0200, pfgshield-freebsd at wrote:
> Hi;
> I just tried the above mentioned port, that we have labelled as restricted, and
> in the documentation file installed, and indeed in the website, it's clearly
> stated:
> "Due to certain legal liabilities and for the protection of 
> intellectual property, Matrox reserves licensing rights to the 
> library and prohibits reverse engineering but allows free 
> distribution under any operating system. Matrox encourages members 
> of the open source community to freely distribute and assist in 
> the further development of this driver."
> There's also an mgadriver-4.1-1-src.tar.gz that someone should hack, but for
> the time being it would be really nice to remove RESTRICTED for this port.

However, the click-through license to get the files, which reads like an
actual license, says something quite different.  I'm going to stick with
the more restrictive one unless someone can get some clarification from
Matrox.  (Yes, I've already tried.)

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