new port request: Xdmx

Dejan Lesjak dejan.lesjak at
Sun Mar 13 13:06:38 PST 2005

On Sunday 13 of March 2005 18:47, Henry Miller wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'd like to request that whoever does the x11 server ports for
> FreeBSD add a port for Distributed Multihead X.  Dmx seems like it
> might fit my setup, so I'd like to try it, but I can't get it to
> install manually.  (I could, I suppose, but I'm afraid of wiping out
> the rest of my setup just to make this one thing install)
> Some (out of date but still useful) instructions are at
> DMZ is an option with (I think Free86 too, but I use xor), see
> the site.def file, in theory you just add a line to host.def.
> I played with compiling it manually, but I gave up eventually, in
> part because the ports way of installing each part of X separately
> (server, nestserver, clients) makes it hard to figure out what
> options I need to install just the new parts.
> I think just a simple change to nestserver or the like copied to a
> new port should do the trick.   I think this is easy for someone who
> understands how the X ports work to add.

Ok, let's see if it's that easy :)
Port skeleton:
(untar it under /usr/ports/x11-servers/)
Package for RELENG_5/i386:


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