Severe problem with XFree86 4.5.0

Dejan Lesjak dejan.lesjak at
Sat Jun 25 09:29:06 GMT 2005

On Friday 24 of June 2005 15:45, Michael Nottebrock wrote:
> XFree86 hangs my 4-STABLE (from January) hard (no kernel panic) after a
> hard physical display reset - i.e. when trying to bring the display back up
> after using the "zap" keycombo (ctrl-alt-backspace) or after exiting a
> session back to the display manager.
> The same configuration works fine with 4.4.0 (to which I have reverted for
> the time being). Configuration file is attached, DRI/DRM is not involved
> (Xinerama is enabled). Are there any known bugs in XFree86 (specifically
> the radeon driver) 4.5.0 which could be causing this?

Not that I've heard of. Best would be to ask about this on XFree mailing list 
(XFree86 at XFree86.Org). A log from server would be nice to have. If the one 
from lockup got overwritten by subsequent launch of X, you migt 
check /var/log/XFree86.0.log.old.
Ati driver was quite a bit rewritten though in CVS, so it would be possible 
that such problem was solved by this. If you feel like experimenting I can 
make ports of last development snapshot.


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