Really Vanilla PCI Video

Eric Anholt eta at
Mon Jun 20 04:09:05 GMT 2005

On Sun, 2005-06-19 at 10:44 -0700, Everett Batey wrote:
> Giving up on MSI Mobo's integrated video ..
> WHAT is the most vanilla and cheap PCI video card that I can try to get 
> X11 to work right on FreeBSD 5.4 .. ?  So far NO luck with and 
> only able to get X11 and NO widgets to come up with the onboard 
> UniChrome ???

Unichrome support is under active development by several people, so
xorg-server-snap may work better for you if you haven't tried it.

I suppose a good example of a cheap PCI video card would be a 3dfx
Voodoo3 or perhaps Voodoo5 PCI.  Mach64s are also good, if you don't
need the performance.

Eric Anholt                                     eta at              anholt at

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