X11 / XFree86 Installation

Teo De Las Heras teoheras at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 02:22:11 GMT 2005

I tried changing MASTER_SITES but then the I got an error that the
local time does not match the remote ??  What did work was fetching
the file from the xlibs site.  I didn't even know about the fetch
command!!  I tried downloading that file onto my Windows desktop and
then using FTP to get it into my FreeBSD box.  Any idea why that was
causing the checksum to fail?

Thanks again!


On 8/7/05, Dejan Lesjak <dejan.lesjak at ijs.si> wrote:
> On Monday 08 of August 2005 03:49, Teo De Las Heras wrote:
> > O.K. I'm now in the process of installing Xorg from the ports that are
> > included in FreeBSD 5.3.  About half way through I am getting a
> > message that libXft-2.1.6.tar.gz is not available.  I have tried to
> > download it to the distfiles directory from various FTP site the when
> > I run make I get checksum errors.
> Either update your ports tree (see Handbook
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ports-using.html
> ports chapter), or replace MASTER_SITES line in x11-fonts/libXft/Makefile with
> MASTER_SITES=   http://xlibs.freedesktop.org/release/
> or fetch the file from above URL.
> Dejan

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