x.org goes nuts when enabling DRI on radeon 7000 card

Jason jason at monsterjam.org
Tue Oct 19 15:14:00 PDT 2004

running X.org from ports on my 5.3 box.
installed my brand new radeon 7000 card and it seems to work fine unless I 
enable DRI in the modules section of my x.org config

when I do enable it, and start X, I get a funky video screen and the mouse 
moves, but thats about it. cant click, cant ctrl-alt-backspace to kill it,

and cpu looks like this

 492 root     128    0 56612K 12332K RUN    0   6:37 105.32% 105.32% Xorg

heres the modules that are loaded

dellbox# kldstat
Id Refs Address    Size     Name
 1   11 0xc0400000 594b68   kernel
 2   14 0xc0995000 537f0    acpi.ko
 3    2 0xc1869000 17000    linux.ko
 4    1 0xc18d3000 2000     rtc.ko
 5    1 0xc1a25000 17000    radeon.ko

this is on an intel SMP hyperthreaded box.


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