blue term color in xorg (was: Re: HEADSUP: X.Org conversion)

Miguel Mendez flynn at
Sat Jul 24 08:16:32 PDT 2004

On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 18:44:32 +0400
Toxa <postfix at> wrote:

[Removing current@ from CC, don't think it applies there]

> Ok, my migrating from XFree to X.Org finished smoothly, without any
> error, thanks for a great job! But I have to mention about console
> colors in xterm, blue color becomes much more LIGHT blue, it's a
> definitively xorg issue, because of the same things in linux (I turned
> my slackware to xorg few weeks ago). Well, my mutt color scheme looks
> ugly with it, midnight commanter is totally ugly too :) You may take a
> look to a new X colors: (~200 kb) Sorry I
> have no old screenshots but I think the difference is clear, blue is
> TOO light. This is a laptop, so there is no lid contrast calibration
> ore something alike, just brightness. My card is ATI Mobility radeon
> M6. Any suggestions why it happens?
> Thanks for advance.

If you install XFree86 4.4 you'll see that very colour too. It was that
way with a snapshot on gentoo and with 4.4 on NetBSD. I find it nice,
the old one was way too dark (read: text in that color was unreadable). 

The xorg release also fixes the old bug where the '_' character wouldn't
be properly displayed on xterms when you used certain fonts in
antialiased mode (e.g. xterm -fa rk14)

It's not an xorg-only thing.

	Miguel Mendez <flynn at>
	PGP Key: 0xDC8514F1

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