Using xorg instead of XFree86

Beecher Rintoul akbeech at
Fri Jul 2 10:31:21 PDT 2004

On Friday 02 July 2004 08:11 am, pfgshield-pedro at wrote:
> --- Matthew Gardiner <kaiwai at> ha scritto:
> > Its basically a full gone conclusion, look at the organisations
> > supporting XFree86 vs. Xorg, look at the development tree's etc. etc.
> > Xorg is moving forward whilst XFree86 has basically remained static.
> >
> > I think the bigger one will be the OpenGL accelerated Xserver being
> > developed by Keith Packard.
> I think this thread is going nowhere very fast... but anyways
> X is arguably the most important application in any free OS distribution.
> IMHO Linux distributors haven't been fully sponsoring XFree86 as a project
> as they should, and now they complain because of a minimal change in the
> license of code they didn't write.
> and XFree86 have existed in parallel for a LONG time, and the
> sponsorship behind either project is still too small, compared to the
> importance of the project and the type of money other organizations move.
> It's just my opinion, from the outside, but just as other non-coders are so
> eagerly pointing out that XFree86 seems lonely, I just take note that 1)
> it's never been really crowded and 2) the grass is not very greener on the
> other side.
> That said, I don't really care about the vs XFree86 debate. I'd just
> like to see the XFree86 update committed and, if possible, both systems
> being well supported on my favorite OS. If it's not easy to run either
> project, maybe it's time to revaluate my OS preferrence and I'd really
> prefer not doing that ATM.
>     Pedro.


A couple of weeks ago I built 4.4 from XFree86's source tree and it both 
compiled and runs fine. I will need to straighten out my ports tree at some 
point, but for now things are ok. SiS support was shaky on this box, and is 
much improved with 4.4. 

I have heard that has better driver support, that would be my reason to 
switch over. 


Beech Rintoul - System Administrator - akbeech at
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