[XFree86] Radeon 9200 256MB Produces Garbled Screen With CVS Version Of XFree86

Marco Trentini mark at remotelab.org
Sat Jan 24 08:46:36 PST 2004

On Sat, Jan 24, 2004 at 08:26:42AM -0800, auto68980 at hushmail.com wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> >> I read the instructions and compiled it like this:
> >>
> >> cd xc
> >> make World
> >> make install
> >> make install.man
> >>
> >
> >Without any patches?
> >
> >As you can see in the file directory of the XFree86-4-Server port
> >there
> >are a lot of patches to apply before to compile the sources.  IMO
> >it is
> >not as easy to compile XFree86 under FreeBSD.
> I didn't realise there were any patches to apply. I can't see them either,
>  if it is trivial enough to detail here, how do I apply these patches,
>  and why aren't they allready applied in this version?
> Is the transition from where the code is now to 4.4 just a case of integrating
> the patches into the actual code?

If you build XFree86 from ports, then the patches (in the file
directory) will be applied.  If you build XFree86 from CVS directory,
then the patches for FreeBSD (in the file directory of the
XFree86-4-Server port) won't be applied automatically.

Note also the patches in the file directory of the XFree86-4-Server port
could not be appropriate to the last CVS version of XFree86-4.

It is port maintainer will decide the best patches for XFree86 4.4

P.S. send your reply to x11-freebsd also. 

Marco Trentini                mark at remotelab.org

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