xorg/xfree on intel 865G (HP evo d530)

Eric Anholt eta at lclark.edu
Fri Dec 10 14:22:12 PST 2004

On Fri, 2004-12-10 at 19:02 +0100, Michael Nottebrock wrote:
> On Friday, 10. December 2004 18:42, squigly at flashmail.com wrote:
> > Well, I did try several configuration, I don't remember if I
> > tried that combo, I will give it a try. but, I've set the
> > AGP aparture size to 128MB, isn't that suppose to give the
> > ability to go to higher res and depth?
> No.
> > the 865G does state (via dmesg) that it has 8Mb of bios ram.
> > Is that my limit?

Actually, it gets worse.  A lot of i8xx bioses are buggy, so that you
get limited to 1MB of video memory instead of 8MB, as far as the bios's
mode selection is concerned.  I don't know if your specific chipset is
susceptible, but you might check.  With various hacks floating around
the net you can whack the bios into thinking it has the correct amount
of video memory.  With luck that'll get integrated into X.Org at some
point, but nobody's done the work yet, that I know of.

Eric Anholt                                eta at lclark.edu          
http://people.freebsd.org/~anholt/         anholt at FreeBSD.org

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