Current problem reports assigned to freebsd-www at

FreeBSD bugmaster bugmaster at
Mon Mar 4 11:06:53 UTC 2013

Note: to view an individual PR, use:

The following is a listing of current problems submitted by FreeBSD users.
These represent problem reports covering all versions including
experimental development code and obsolete releases.

S Tracker      Resp.      Description
o www/176266   www        Addition to Vendors -> ISP
o www/175867   www does not exist
o www/175861   www is not present in docs
o www/175756   www        Inclusion as Commercial FreeBSD Hosting Provider
o www/175716   www        24x7 Server Management & hosting support linux and win
o www/175685   www        HTTPS does not follow visitor among sub-do
o www/175535   www is out of date
o www/174840   www        the grammar of 9.1-RELEASE announcements
o www/174813   www        "9.1-RELEASE Installation Instructions" references "9.
o www/172624   www        Some RSS feeds on are broken
o www/171953   www        Pipermail creates HTML pages that have the the body co
o www/166496   www        HP-UX manual pages are mangled
o www/161174   www        Make search GNAT
o www/159291   www        Error 404 - when I try to send-pr over
o www/149446   www        [patch] improve misleading title of "report a bug"
f www/146089   www        On some IPv6 mirror sites do not work
o www/145917   www        SVG at logo.html is broken
s www/140580   www        svnweb file logs are useless
s www/129923   www        Need stylesheet for FreeBSD Subversion DAV tree
s www/111791   www        FreeBSD website messes up while using "links" browser
s www/103522   www        Search interface oddity
s www/73551    www        [request] fix list archive 'quoted-printable' corrupti
o www/59307    www        [patch] xml/xsl'ify & update publications page
s www/51135    www        Problems with the mailing-lists search interface

24 problems total.

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