www/169169: [patch] rewrite text of Releases web page
Mark Linimon
linimon at FreeBSD.org
Sun Jun 17 02:10:07 UTC 2012
>Number: 169169
>Category: www
>Synopsis: [patch] rewrite text of Releases web page
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: freebsd-www
>State: open
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Sun Jun 17 02:10:07 UTC 2012
>Originator: Mark Linimon
>Release: FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE i386
The releases page is badly in need of a rewrite. It is cluttered, it
introduces details before general concepts (if it bothers to introduce
the general concepts in the first place), and it assumes that a reader
is most interested in how release engineering works, rather than "which
version of FreeBSD should I download."
What's there is not so much "wrong" as "poorly organized."
Test render without css and images:
Current page for comparison:
NB: some whitespace sins are preserved for diff reduction.
Index: index.sgml
RCS file: /home/FreeBSD/dcvs/www/en/releases/index.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.134
diff -u -r1.134 index.sgml
--- index.sgml 18 Apr 2012 16:53:26 -0000 1.134
+++ index.sgml 13 Jun 2012 00:27:09 -0000
@@ -10,12 +10,32 @@
<img alt="FreeBSD Releases" src="../gifs/releases.jpg" height="200" width="300" align="right" border="0">
-<p><em>For late-breaking news about FreeBSD, please visit
-the <A HREF="&base;/news/newsflash.html">Newsflash</A> page.</em></p>
+<p>FreeBSD releases are classified into "Production Releases" and "Legacy
+Releases". The former are best suited to users wishing the latest new
+features; the latter are for users wishing to stay with a more conservative
+upgrade strategy.</p>
+<p>Releases are further classified by the length of time they will be
+supported by the Security Officer into "Normal" and "Extended" releases.</p>
+ <p>Documentation files for each release are
+ available for viewing in HTML format on the
+ <a HREF="&base;/relnotes.html">Release Documentation</a> page.</p>
+<a name="supported-releases"></A>
+<h2>Currently Supported Releases</h2>
+<p>Complete information about the release date, the classifcation type,
+and the estimated End-Of-Life (EOL) for currently supported releases
+can be found on the <a href="&base;/security/security.html#sup">
+Supported Releases</a> section of the
+<a href="&base;/security/security.html">FreeBSD Security Information</a>
<a name="current"></A>
-<h2>Current Release(s)</h2>
+<h2>Most Recent Release(s)</h2>
+<h3>Production Releases</h3>
<p><b>Release &rel.current;</b> (&rel.current.date;)
<a href="&u.rel.announce;">Announcement</a> :
@@ -36,6 +56,7 @@
<a href="&u.rel2.errata;">Errata</a>
+<h3>Legacy Releases</h3>
<p><b>Release &rel3.current;</b> (&rel3.current.date;)
<a href="&u.rel3.announce;">Announcement</a> :
@@ -45,6 +66,14 @@
<a href="&u.rel3.errata;">Errata</a>
+<a name="future"></A>
+<h2>Future Releases</h2>
+ <p>To see the schedule of upcoming releases, or
+ for more information about the release engineering process, please
+ visit the <a href="&base;/releng/index.html">Release
+ Engineering</a> section of this web site.</p>
<p>The latest snapshots from our <A
and <A
@@ -53,35 +82,8 @@
also available. Please see <A HREF="../where.html">Getting
FreeBSD</A> for details.</p>
-<a name="supported-branches"></A>
-<h2>Supported Releases</h2>
-<p>The current designation and estimated lifetimes of currently
-supported releases can be found on the
-<a href="&base;/security/security.html#sup">FreeBSD
-Security Information</a> page.</p>
-<a name="future"></A>
-<h2>Future Releases</h2>
- <p>We will continue to bring you new releases from both
- our <A HREF="&base;/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/current-stable.html#STABLE">FreeBSD-STABLE</A> and
- <A HREF="&base;/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/current-stable.html#CURRENT">FreeBSD-CURRENT</A>
- branches, both as developer's snapshots and as regular full releases.</p>
- <p>For more information about the release engineering process,
- or to see a comprehensive schedule of upcoming releases, please
- visit the <a href="&base;/releng/index.html">Release
- Engineering</a> section of this web site.</p>
- <p>The release documentation files for FreeBSD-STABLE and
- FreeBSD-CURRENT are available for viewing in HTML format on the
- <a HREF="&base;/relnotes.html">Release Documentation</a> page.
- These files are rebuilt periodically, and reflect the changing
- state of FreeBSD's development.</p>
-<a name="past"></A>
-<h2>Past Releases</h2>
+<a name="prior-supported"></A>
+<h2>Prior Releases Still Being Supported</h2>
<li><b>8.2</b> (February 2011)
@@ -102,7 +104,20 @@
<a href="8.1R/errata.html">Errata</a>
+<a name="prior-unsupported"></A>
+<h2>Prior Releases Which Have Reached EOL</h2>
+<p>Complete historical information about the release date, the classification
+type, and the effective End-Of-Life (EOL) for these releases may be found
+on the
+<a href="&base;/security/security.html#unsup">
+Unsupported Releases</a> section of the
+<a href="&base;/security/security.html">FreeBSD Security Information</a>
<li><b>8.0</b> (November 2009)
<a href="8.0R/announce.html">Announcement</a>:
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