[CALL FOR REVIEW] doc and www converted to XML
Gabor Kovesdan
gabor at FreeBSD.org
Mon Aug 20 16:49:21 UTC 2012
Hash: SHA1
Dear Folks,
I'm glad to announce that the first milestone of the XML migration is
available for review in the projects/sgml2xml branch. To check it out,
run the following:
svn co http://svn.freebsd.org/doc/projects/sgml2xml sgml2xml
The build process - from the end user perspective - works in the same
way. In short, use make all at the proper place, to build only web, run
make all WEB_ONLY=yes in the htdocs dir, etc. Then use make install with
DESTDIR defined to install files to the proper place.
A rendered version of the website is available here:
For the documentation, you can directly go to:
This branch includes the following changes:
- - Documentation is updated from DocBook 4.1/SGML to DocBook 4.2/XML
- - Webpages are updated from HTML 4.01 Transitional to XHTML 1.0
- - Static webpages are now processed by XSLT behind the scenes
- - Webpages are now built with less cycles; tidy has been removed and the
date processing is now done by XSLT
- - Generated webpages are now actually valid (they did not use to be)
- - All XSLT stylesheets now pull in a main XSLT, which reduces duplicated
- - Site map and index are converted to an XML format with an XSLT
transformation that generates the output
- - For docs, there is now only one entity set for both articles and books
- - Some trademark/legalnotice entities have been merged to a cohesive
single entity file
- - Untranslated entity sets are now always pulled in from the English
tree instead of redundant copies
- - The base and enbase entities are already automatically generated so
remove inline definitions from individual files
- - Fetch the LEGAL file via http instead of depending on CVS
- - Convert id names to lowercase to avoid mixing different styles and for
better readability
- - All PSGML comments are removed since they are mostly useless
As it has been discussed, the character entities will be dropped. This
is still in progress but it is already a good moment for the rest to be
reviewed since it is a big change that needs proper review and testing.
At the same time, this also means that it is not easy to maintain such a
big changeset in a branch since merging so many files is really
time-consuming so it would be beneficial not to spend more time with
merging this back than necessary. I would like to ask you to review this
changeset and let me know any type of problems you encounter or any type
of doubts you have. It would be nice if all translator projects could
check their translations to see if there is any locale-specific problem.
Despite the big quantity of the changes, the modernization process of
the doc tree is not complete with this change. First, we still use Jade
and DSSSL to generate output, which is an SGML tool and works because of
the fact that XML is a subset of SGML. But it does not really benefit of
XML technologies and the DocBook DSSSL stylesheets are quite obsolete.
In a second step, we should migrate to an XSL(T)-based toolset.
Secondly, the DocBook 4.2 schema is quite old, the current DocBook
version is 5.0. But 4.2 is the first XML version and it still works well
with the old DSSSL stylesheets so this was a safe migration path that
gives us more time for the migration and for QA. Once this branch is
merged back, the migration of the toolset will be started in another
Thanks in advance for your review.
(On behalf of doceng@)
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