text size

Gabor Kovesdan gabor at FreeBSD.org
Thu Aug 25 00:56:04 UTC 2011

On 2011.08.24. 21:48, David Thiel wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a minor suggestion - could the default font size for the website
> be changed to the "Large" setting? I was pleasantly surprised how much
> more readable and usable the site was with this change. I think it would
> make it a bit more friendly for people checking out FreeBSD for the
> first time.
For me the menu bar does not fit any more and the Foundation menu item 
appears in the second line if I change to Large and not that I have a 
small resolution. Besides, personally I don't like that the "buttons" 
(download and new to FreeBSD) become two-line high. Apart from this, I 
think it's a good idea to slightly increase the text size but not just 
simply by changing to the Large style.


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