Kernel Conference Australia - Call for Papers

James C. McPherson James.McPherson at Sun.COM
Tue Mar 31 18:05:53 PDT 2009

Kernel Conference Australia 2009

Call for Papers

Conference dates:	15, 16, 17 July 2009
Location:  		Queensland Brain Institute at
			the University of Queensland


Registrations open:	4 May 2009

Original presentations focused on Open Source kernels and the technologies
which we find within those kernels are solicited for submission to the first
Kernel Conference Australia (KCA 2009). 

Papers may present theory, techniques, applications and practical experiences
on a variety of topics including, but not limited to: 

    * Cross-architecture kernel development
    * Porting an OS to a new architecture
    * Filesystems
    * System performance visualisation (DTrace, SystemTap)
    * Image visualisation (GPU kernels)
    * Fault Management
    * (globally) Distributed kernel development - how to make it work
    * Virtualisation
    * Clustering (HPC and High Availability)
    * Distributed systems
    * Kernel Testing - methodologies, interesting problems found
    * Traps and pitfalls found when porting drivers between OSes
    * Realtime performance and scheduling
    * Embedded OSes and drivers (including control systems)
    * Patents and Open Source
    * The state of OS kernel research / what's new / work in progress

Apart from the above, any kernel-focused topic for an Open Source Licensed
operating system will be considered by the organising committee. 

Invited Speakers
    * Jeff Bonwick (Sun - ZFS, confirmed)
    * Gavin Maltby (Sun - FMA, confirmed)
    * Bill Moore (Sun - ZFS, confirmed)
    * Sherry Moore (Sun - Intel/AMD work, confirmed)
    * Maxim Alt (Intel, confirmed)
    * Adam Leventhal (Sun - FishWorks/DTrace, to be confirmed)
    * Brendan Gregg (Sun - FishWorks/DTrace, to be confirmed)

Important Dates
    * Submission deadline: 1 May 2009
    * Notification: 15 May 2009
    * Camera-ready copy due: 1 July 2009
    * Conference: 15-17 July 2009

Address for proposal submissions

Please send an extended abstract (up to 3 pages) of your proposal in either
PDF or plain text to

	kca_2009_submissions-ext at

Presentations which feature live demonstrations of the topic will be well

Program Committee

    * James C. McPherson, Sun Microsystems (chair)
    * Jake Carroll, Queensland Brain Institute
    * Andre van Eyssen, Frontline
    * David Gwynne, University of Queensland
    * Clinton Roy, CSIRO
    * John Sonnenschein, Sun Microsystems

Format for presentations:

Camera-ready copy of accepted proposals must be submitted by 1 July 2009,
in PDF.

Accepted presentations should be of sufficient length to cover 40 minutes
of presentation and 5 minutes for questions, or up to 10 2-column A4 pages

If a written presentation is not provided, then slideware including presenter
notes must be submitted.

Proceedings Of The Conference:

The Proceedings will be collated and published on cd/dvd for attendees, and
electronically for those unable to attend in person. 

Copyright for papers and presentations:

Copyright for each paper and presentation remains with the authors, who
grant Sun Microsystems permission to redistribute the paper and presentation
as part of the Proceedings of Kernel Conference Australia 2009.

James C. McPherson
Senior Kernel Software Engineer, Solaris
Sun Microsystems

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