Reports on the Outsourcing Industry

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ValueNotes                      Outsourcing Practice


Reports                        on the Outsourcing Industry


The ValueNotes Outsourcing                    Practice is one of the
largest information providers on the                    outsourcing
industry. The Outsourcing Practice uses a comprehensive
analytical framework providing fresh insights into the fast
emerging and yet, complex outsourcing space. We
extensively                    track the outsourcing space through
regular analysis of news                    and events, and continuous
primary research and contact with                    the industry.
Some of our recent publications are listed below:

Buyer                                Perception Survey: Market
Research Outsourcing Services ( )

Published:                                January 2009

Excerpt:  "Market research service providers
have been gaining prominence in the market research
value chain. The offshorable industry for market
research is estimated at $4 billion in
2006. ValueNotes                                buyer survey helps to
understand the buyer perceptions,
opinions and experiences on outsourcing in the market
research sector."

The                                MRO Buyer survey analyses
responses from Market                                Research agencies
across US and European markets                                to
provide insights on future trends in offshoring
volumes for various services

Offshoring                                By US Newspaper
Publishers ( )

Published:                                November 2008

Excerpt:                                "The US Newspaper industry
has been battling                                growing margin
pressures for the last few years.
Dwindling circulation, drop in advertising revenues,
growth of the internet and rising newsprint prices
have contributed to the downward trend in
margins.                                Several US newspaper
publishers have begun offshoring."

The report provides detailed information and analysis
of offshoring trends in the US newspaper Industry
along with a detailed Indian service
provider landscape.                                Profiles of key
vendors are also available.

Opportunities                                in the Indian Domestic
BPO Market ( )

Published:                                July 2008

Excerpt:                                "The share of third party
revenues is 27% of                                the domestic BPO
market, at INR 18 billion for FY08.
This is expected to grow at a CAGR of 44% over the
next four years reach INR 77 billion by FY12."

The report                                provides a detailed
analysis of the Indian BPO market.                                The
study analyzes the sectoral opportunity and
emerging trends in the large and emerging verticals
- banking, financial Services, insurance, telecom,
Government, retail, logistics, airlines and
travel                                and hospitality.

Offshoring                                Patent Services to India
( )

Published:                                June 2008

Excerpt:                                "Revenues from the Indian
patent services offshoring                                industry are
estimated at USD 46 million for the
calendar year 2007 and are expected to reach USD
206 million by end 2012."

The                                report provides an in-depth
analysis of the buyer                                market as well as
the Indian service provider landscape
in patent services offshoring. Profiles of key service
providers are also available.

Outsourcing                                in the Indian Banking
Industry  ( )

Published:                                July 2008

Excerpt:                                "Outsourcing revenues from
the Indian banking                                industry are
estimated at INR 4 billion for FY08                                and
are expected to grow at a CAGR of 47% to touch
INR 19 billion by FY12."

The                                report provides an in-depth
analysis of the buyer                                as well as the
service provider landscape in the
Indian banking industry.

Market                                Research Outsourcing: The
India Growth Story (

Published:                                January 2008

Excerpt:                                "The Indian MRO space
comprises over 110 service                                providers,
and most of them offer ‘non-market
research’ services as well. However, interestingly,
the leaders in the category are largely market
research-focused                                firms and not
necessarily the diversified BPO and                                KPO

The report                                provides an overview of
the buyer scenario and analysis                                of the
Indian service provider space in market research
outsourcing along with profiles of major industry

Bioinformatics                                Outsourcing for Life
Sciences: India Opportunity  ( )

Published:                                December 2007

Excerpt:                                "India's bioinformatics
services outsourcing                                revenues are about
USD 32 million, and are expected                                to
grow at a CAGR of 25% touching USD 62 million
by 2010."

The report                                provides an overview of
the buyer scenario and an                                in-depth
analysis of the Indian service provider
space in Bioinformatics outsourcing along with profiles
of major industry players.

ValueNotes                          Outsourcing DealTracker ( )

A                          comprehensive database of outsourcing
deals including                          global contracts, M&As and VC
deals in the BPO / KPO                          and IT services
outsourcing market (monthly, quarterly                          &
annual analysis).

Copyright ValueNotes Database Private Limited,

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( )

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