FreeBSD wiki upgraded

Simon L. Nielsen simon at
Tue Jun 17 22:13:51 UTC 2008

[Note: this mail is Bcc'ed to some lists with wiki users]


I have upgraded the FreeBSD wiki [1] to moinmoin 1.6.  It seems that
things have gone OK, but:

The moinmoin people changed some of the markup... (no comments on that
in public forums...) so there are some differences.  Hopefully they
are minor, but there is not really anything to be done about that.
The positive part is that the changes I have seen make the markup more
similar to mediawiki (used on wikipedia) so perhaps that will make it
simpler for users of other wiki's.

Please let me know of any problems.  Known issues are and will be
documented on .

I need to make a few more adjustments to the wiki so there will be
minor disruptions in the coming days, but hopefully that should not be

[1] - in case there is doubt

Simon L. Nielsen
Hat: wiki admin

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