www/129851: [UPDATE] www/qdecoder

Rene Ladan rene at freebsd.org
Mon Dec 22 04:08:17 PST 2008

Seungyoung Kim schreef:
>> Number:         129851
>> Category:       www
>> Synopsis:       [UPDATE] www/qdecoder

This is a ports problem, not a www problem (www is only about the website itself).
It is also easier for a ports committer if you include a patch (made with diff(1) )
instead of a shar file (see
http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/articles/problem-reports/article.html#PR-WRITING )


GPG fingerprint = ADBC ECCD EB5F A6B4 549F  600D 8C9E 647A E564 2BFC (subkeys.pgp.net)

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