Remko Lodder
remko at
Tue Nov 27 08:34:44 PST 2007
Boris Samorodov wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 08:49:59 +0100 (CET) Remko Lodder wrote:
>> On Tue, November 27, 2007 12:05 am, Benjamin M. A'Lee wrote:
>>> Replace:
>>> Examples of entries that should not usually be declared 'offensive':
>>> * Hitler quotes.
> I have already asked the question at another list but didn't get an
> answer. As I'm not a native English speaker can someone say what that
> phrase mean? As for me it seams like "Examples of enties that mainly
> are not offensive: * Hitler qoutes".
This means that quotes by Hitler should not by default be seen as
offensive quotes. Imo he was a cruel man (to say the least) but
that should have no influence on some of his quotes.
>> Personally I do not see a real reason to update this text,
> I'd prefer to see someting like "Examples and entries that sometimes
> may be not offensive: * Hitler quotes". But why the official FreeBSD
> site should point an attention at him personally?
>> I think it is
>> fine as it is now, and indeed everyone should decide for him or herself
>> whether these quotes are offensive or not,
> OK, let _others_ decide it after reading those quotes. But let's stay
> away of the politics at the official site. Using his name _alone_ *is*
> politics.
No, it's just one example that is being displayed, we could also
cite some other cruel person from the past..
>> I think the world is already
>> full of the additions that you are proposing :-) lets keep it simple..
> OK, I'll try to advice a simple phrase that has a strict apolitical
> meaning and send it via PR.
OKI I noticed the PR, lets see what other people think:)
/"\ Best regards, | remko at
\ / Remko Lodder | remko at EFnet
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