www/112337: ISP Submission
David Hindman
dhindman at reliableservers.com
Wed May 2 00:50:05 UTC 2007
>Number: 112337
>Category: www
>Synopsis: ISP Submission
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: freebsd-www
>State: open
>Class: update
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Wed May 02 00:50:04 GMT 2007
>Originator: David Hindman
<dt> <a name="reliableservers" href="http://www.reliableservers.com/" id="reliableservers">
ReliableServers.Com </a></dt>
<dd>ReliableServers.com provides managed and unmanaged
dedicated server hosting and colocation. FreeBSD is our #1 installed OS, we
even provide a local cvsup for all clients. Our datacenter is staffed around
the clock to provide the best possible support. Visit us at
<a href="http://www.reliableservers.com/">www.ReliableServers.Com</a></dd>
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