RFC: New GNATS web (query-pr.cgi) interface

Simon L. Nielsen simon at FreeBSD.org
Mon Sep 18 12:27:40 PDT 2006

On 2006.09.17 23:32:29 +0100, Shaun Amott wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 17, 2006 at 09:04:20PM +0200, Simon L. Nielsen wrote:
> > The main thing which I think should be done before commit is use of
> > cgi-style.pl.  While it might seem unnecessary now, it really is much
> > nicer for the people maintaing the website if there are as few places
> > as possible where we need to change if modifications are made to the
> > layout.  Also, the script currently doesn't totally match the style of
> > the rest of the FreeBSD.org web site, which I suspect is related to it
> > not using cgi-style.pl.
> Yes, the style is a vast improvement over the mess we have in place now.
> But for the sake of consistency, I have switched to using cgi-style.pl.

Great, thanks!

> Hopefully, some of the improvements between the old style and mine can
> be merged across the site at some point. But that's another discussion.

Most of the CGI scripts could use some cleanup after having been in
service for ~10 years...

> > One other issue which also need to be fixed is that the script don't
> > work with perl 5.0, which is still requires for a bit.
> I've hacked out the modern Perl bits and pieces, it now runs on 5.0.

Good, when we (hopefully soon) move to perl 5.8 on www.freebsd.org the
code can be readded.

> > The last thing I can think of now is that the script should use taint
> > mode like shown below, just in case.
> Indeed - I intended to add it anyway.

Great again :-).

I reviewed the changes to
freefall:~shaun/public_html/stuff/gnatsweb.final/query-pr.txt and it
looks good, so I it should just be committed and you can use rubber
stamp (IE. Approved by me.).

I also put it online on www.freebsd.org and it works fine.  I'm not
going to publish the URL here since I'm going to delete the script
from the temp location again soon.

I assume you know how to add the CSS to the Makefile without breaking
the build, but feel free to poke me if you have any question in that

Simon L. Nielsen
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