zope-3.2.0 and plone trouble

Le Cocq Michel lecocq at lipn.univ-paris13.fr
Wed Mar 22 21:37:31 UTC 2006

Hi, I just install zope-3.2.0 and made it working just well.

Now I wanted to run plone on it so i go to /usr/portswww/plone and type 
make install, and there, it install zope-2.7.8_1 and also python-2.3.5_1 
(i already had python-2.4.2).  My ports list is up to date.

I can't make plone working in zope 3.2 but it work under zope 2.7

Does someone run plone under zope 3.2 ?

Le Cocq Michel

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