www/94061: [patch] add NanoBSD to FreeBSD Development Projects site
Daniel Gerzo
danger at rulez.sk
Sat Mar 4 04:20:05 PST 2006
>Number: 94061
>Category: www
>Synopsis: [patch] add NanoBSD to FreeBSD Development Projects site
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: freebsd-www
>State: open
>Class: doc-bug
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Sat Mar 04 12:20:04 GMT 2006
>Originator: Daniel Gerzo
>Release: FreeBSD 6.1-PRERELEASE i386
System: FreeBSD tomas.elvandar.org 6.1-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 6.1-PRERELEASE #0: Wed Feb 15 02:22:30 CET 2006 root at redqueen.elvandar.org:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/REDQUEEN i386
NanoBSD isn't listed on the FreeBSD Development Projects web site, so
add it there.
--- projects.diff begins here ---
--- projects.sgml.orig Sat Mar 4 12:04:12 2006
+++ projects.sgml Sat Mar 4 12:09:54 2006
@@ -443,6 +443,13 @@
includes a broad range of useful applications, and can either run
purely from CD, or can act as an installer to install FreeBSD on
your hard disk.</li>
+ <li><a name="nanobsd" href="&base;/projects/nanobsd/">NanoBSD</a>:
+ NanoBSD is a tool designed to create a possibly reduced FreeBSD
+ system image, which is suited to fit on a Compact Flash card
+ (or other mass storage medium) in a way which is suitable for
+ use in appliance like applications.</li>
<li><a name="global" href="http://www.gnu.org/software/global/global.html">GLOBAL</a>:
A common source code tag system that works the same way across
diverse environments. Currently, it supports the shell command line,
--- projects.diff ends here ---
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