www/93772: PR submit page captcha didn't work

Ceri Davies ceri at submonkey.net
Fri Feb 24 13:25:11 PST 2006

On 24/2/06 03:00, "Skye Poier" <skye at f4.ca> wrote:

> The following reply was made to PR www/93772; it has been noted by GNATS.
> From: Skye Poier <skye at f4.ca>
> To: bug-followup at FreeBSD.org
> Cc:  
> Subject: Re: www/93772: PR submit page captcha didn't work
> Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 18:53:19 -0800
>  Well, perhaps the error page should be fixed to say "timeout" or
>  "captcha expired" then, instead of "does not match", so that people
>  don't waste a bunch of time going back and forth and typing it in over
>  and over thinking they're not reading it right, or making a typo, like
>  I did.

There's not really any way for the code to tell whether you made a code up
though - it either exists in the database or it doesn't.

>  "Yes, the token does indeed expire in some number of minutes; this is
>  why we suggest people edit the information offline and then submit."
>  Nowhere on http://www.freebsd.org/send-pr.html does it say anything
>  about a timeout

It will in 24 hours' time.

That must be wonderful!  I don't understand it at all.
                                      -- Moliere

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