www/92516: ActivSupport, Inc. - Your Flexible IT Partner
Giorgos Keramidas
keramida at ceid.upatras.gr
Fri Feb 10 08:30:58 PST 2006
On 2006-02-10 17:24, Christian Brueffer <chris at unixpages.org> wrote:
>On Fri, Feb 10, 2006 at 02:30:17PM +0000, Ceri Davies wrote:
>>On 10 Feb 2006, at 14:25, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
>>> Do they really support FreeBSD? I'm not against adding this, but
>>> frankly I'm a bit annoyed that their front page *does* mention
>>> Microsoft, Cisco and a few other names but has no obvious link for
>>> FreeBSD.
>>> The only bit of information that is vaguely relevant to FreeBSD is a
>>> single occurence of the word "Unix" near the bottom of the page.
>> We're not listed on the Technologies page (and everything else is),
>> so I don't think we should carry the listing.
> There is a mention on:
> http://www.activsupport.com/Small-Business-Network-Consulting-Services-Firm_17_Computer-Network-Consultant-for-Small-Business_16_San-Francisco-Bay-Area.html
> Found it though google with site:www.activsupport.com.
I see. It still feels a bit silly that big commercial players get a
mention in a special "Technology" section, right there in the front
page, but FreeBSD is hidden so down that one has to use Google to find
it. I'm not opposing adding a link now that I know FreeBSD *is*
mentioned somewhere, even though it would make me a lot happier to see a
more prominent appearance :)
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