How to handle localized characters ans special symbols?

Hiroki Sato hrs at
Mon Feb 6 04:29:02 PST 2006

Kövesdán Gábor <gabor.kovesdan at> wrote
  in <43E7298B.20206 at>:

ga> I've found out, it's not just about the charset used by the browser. The 
ga> SGML parser substitutes &#337; with Q. If &#337; remained in the html 
ga> files, the browser would display them correctly. I tried to put this to 

 Isn't o" &#245; in ISO-8859-2?  I think &#337; is the one in UTF.

ga> I get a new problem recently, too. According to 
ga> the entities 
ga> &aacute; &eacute; etc... are accepted standards in the XML language, but 
ga> if I put these character into an .xsl file, e.g. index.xsl the web build 
ga> will fail.

 Yes, it is a problem.  I am planning to fix this.

ga> Anyway, I've realized if I simply write a character ő into the sgml 
ga> sources it remaines good, but I don't know how standard and portable 
ga> this solution is. I would like to make my work as standard and portable 
ga> as it can be.

 If you try to write a document which mainly uses ascii characters,
 please use entity reference.  If you cannot use the entity reference
 for localized document which uses non-ascii characters massively (Asian
 languages, Russian, and so on, for example), please explicitly specify
 the encoding and use native characters.

| Hiroki SATO
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