Another FreeBSD-6.0 based Live CD called RoFreeSBIE

Dan Angelescu mrhsaacdoh at
Fri Feb 3 20:09:31 PST 2006


My name is Angelescu Ovidiu and i am a member of
Romanian Free Unix Group (ROFUG).I have dveloped a
Live CD based on FreeBSD-6.0 .The CD is called
RoFreeSBIE and it is at 1.1 version.It contains a lot
of software and it can be installed on a primary
partition or on a dedicated drive by using
bsdinstaller.The goal of developing this CD was to
use'it for a desktop use ,for net surfing , to install
quick a customized FreeBSD , to make an easy to use
FreeBSD for newcomers and why not to test a system
compatibility with FreeBSD-6.0.
More infos can be found at

All the best!

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