[RFC] Horizontal whitespace on front page

Emily Boyd emily at freebsd.org
Wed Apr 26 12:47:38 UTC 2006

Simon L. Nielsen wrote:
> Hey,
> I noticed that on the midle of the front page there seem to be more
> horizontal whitespace than "needed" (and which looks a bit odd to me).
> So, to improve this I would like to commit the attached patch.  I
> tested in Opera and Firefox on FreeBSD and IE on Windows and all
> places it seems to DTRT.
> You can see the change at http://people.FreeBSD.org/~simon/data/ (just
> compare to normal http://www.FreeBSD.org/ ).
> Comments?

Looks good -- the whitespace was unintentional (I think the news/events
box was pushed down with the addition of the mirrors select list, or
something like that). Thanks for fixing this :)


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