New FreeBSD Logo and it's Font

Ceri Davies ceri at
Mon Apr 24 19:12:43 UTC 2006

On 24/4/06 13:23, "Nauer Philip" <philip.nauer at> wrote:

> Hello
> I was trying to find the Font that is used here.
> Unfotunatly i was not able to find it so i was wundering if you have it or
> know where i could get it from.
> Thank you for your answer and sorry for my missspelling (swiss)

Hi Philip,

That's a new font that was designed by Anton Gural, the contest winner.
I /believe/ that, as part of the rights grant of the logo, we will be
granted rights to the font as well, but at this time it isn't publicly

That must be wonderful!  I don't understand it at all.
                                      -- Moliere

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