new FreeBSD-webpage

Michael Ranner mranner at
Mon Oct 10 05:43:34 PDT 2005

Am Montag, 10. Oktober 2005 13:45 schrieb Ulrich Spoerlein:
> Fixed width is stupid. Period. I'd appreciate it if this could be
> changed to a relative width of the central column OR a fixed width of
> the borders.
> Also, the width for the fonts either assumes pixel width or uses fixed
> point width. Since I'm pretty sure no one will understand what I'm
> talking about, have a look at this [1].
> Note how the Support and languages wrap around. This is because my DPI
> of:
> screen #0:
>   print screen:    no
>   dimensions:    1680x1050 pixels (331x210 millimeters)
>   resolution:    129x127 dots per inch
> [1]
> I'll take a look at the CSS stuff, but I'm no expert ...
> Ulrich Spoerlein

Me too. Have the same problem with Firefox.


/\/\ichael Ranner

mranner at - mranner at - webmaster at
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