[30-05-05] Layout update

Murray Stokely murray at freebsdmall.com
Mon May 30 08:29:12 PDT 2005

On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 12:34:34PM +0200, Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg wrote:
> good solution for this site as well. It does however require a site 
> with a language that supports atleast simple 'if' statements, and 
> afaik freebsd.org is mostly static (which does not mean the template 
> that presents the contents needs to be static, but thats another 
> discussion).

The site is static, but as you note, it is dynamically generated from
XML/XSLT stylesheets and such, pulling in newsflash items, release
notes, and other data from various XML sources to produce static HTML
files in a cronjob.  However, that won't help with conditional
presentation based on client side variables.

My position is that if the benefit is great enough, we can convince
the mirror operators that PHP or similar is a worthwhile requirement.
I think we can go a long way to improve the site before we need to
bring in PHP, but once the design has been improved and a new logo
integrated then the next step may very well be an alternating 2 or 3
column design based on the client resolution.

	- Murray

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