[30-05-05] Layout update

Giorgos Keramidas keramida at ceid.upatras.gr
Mon May 30 07:26:50 PDT 2005

On 2005-05-30 08:41, Fafa Hafiz Krantz <fteg at london.com> wrote:
> From: "John Jawed" <johnjawed at gmail.com>
> > http://www.johnjawed.com/freebsd-redesign/30-05-2005/
> You're wasting your time, the webdesign contest hasn't started yet.
> Your design is very clear and mature, however it doesn't give the project
> the corporate feel that it requires to sustain among the big players.
> Don't give away your ideas this early :)
> Make them better, and use them to win that competition!

Sorry, but no.

- There is no "website design competition".  This means that John (like
  everyone else) is free to spend his time any way he pleases.  His
  design is actually rather lightweight and cool (apart from minor
  column size problems and font sizes), so I see no reason to avoid
  showing it around.

- It makes no sense to "keep stuff to yourself", if you're making it in
  the first place in order to give it to the FreeBSD project.

I say "John keep the good work up" and I'm sure he has already contacted
all the right people who are not working in Perforce towards the same
goal :-)

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