[30-05-05] Layout update

Erich Dollansky oceanare at pacific.net.sg
Mon May 30 02:51:31 PDT 2005


Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg wrote:
> Erich Dollansky wrote:
>> John Jawed wrote:
>>> I've tried to amend to the best of my ability the resizing issues 
>>> mentioned earlier. I think, if you do not know much about CSS 
>>> layouts, that you should expect some type of distortion at some 
>>> unrealistically small resolutions (less than 800x600).
>> Try to use a fixed width for the left and right columns.
> I beg to differ, use fixed size for the middle column instead and let 
> the right side column get whatever is left over.
> The problem on my screen is that the right side column is way to wide 
> and squeezes the middle column into a thin stripe of text, basically 
> unreadable.

It does not really matter which part is fixed as long as some part is fixed.

> Believe it or not, but the most common resolution today is still 
> 800x600. And, even with a 19" screen and 1280x1024, I *never* use my 

'Our' sites are visted mostly with 1024 * 768.

> Designing webpages for big screens with high resolutions is just bad 
> practice, imho!
You would call 10" big?


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