[30-05-05] Layout update

Erich Dollansky oceanare at pacific.net.sg
Mon May 30 01:10:29 PDT 2005


John Jawed wrote:
> I've tried to amend to the best of my ability the resizing issues mentioned 
> earlier. I think, if you do not know much about CSS layouts, that you should 
> expect some type of distortion at some unrealistically small resolutions 
> (less than 800x600). 
Try to use a fixed width for the left and right columns.

> CSS layouts are not suitable for columns, they are built to be fluid 

It gets tricky.

> Again, all feedback is appreciated and looked forward to.
I would like to have bigger characters. They become pretty small on a 
1280*768 with only 10".

Do not use px for the character size, use pt and you get the same 
character size independent of the screen resolution.

I also use mm for the unit. This is the same story. No matter what 
resolution the screen has, 10mm are 10 mm.


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