Linux Workstation Group

Dr.Beco dr.beco at
Thu May 19 07:45:24 PDT 2005

Dear FreeBSD managers,

I would like to invite you and the community to this new email (or web) 
discussion list, at google group:

"Linux Workstation".

The group description is:
"This group is dedicated to all linux lovers that want to use linux as its 
personal computer operational system. When we want to learn linux from the 
point of view of a user, not an admin; of a single computer or notebook, not 
a server machine. Please, welcome! Lets show linux can dominate the world!"

We know linux is very good as servers, but it is as home users OS that M$ is 
dominating the market, and where Linux should focus to grow.

Also, home users have very different necessities from admin and server 
machines, like programs, politiks, money, vocabulary less technical, etc. We 
invite all of you, including admins and moderators, because your expertise 
would help to answer the questions from new users.

* Group name: Linux Workstation
* Group home page:
* Group email address linux-workstation at
* Subscribe: mailto: linux-workstation-subscribe at
* Unsubscribe: mailto: linux-workstation-unsubscribe at

Feel invited! Feel in home!

Thank your attention,

PS. There is a portuguese version "linux-workstation-br" if you like.

Ruben Carlo Benante
UFPE - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
CIn - Centro de Informática, Sala 7-1
Caixa Postal 7851
CEP 50670-970
Recife, PE, Brasil

FAX: +55 (81) 2126-8438
FONE: +55 (81) 2126-8430 r:4067

'They say to me that very old adage "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. 
Teach a man to fish, feed him for life". Well, I am not a fisher; I am a 
philosopher. But I need to eat. So, just give the goddam fish, if you dont 
mind, please.'
(Benante, R. C. 2005)

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