feedback... please forward...

Howard Wertenteil howard_nyc at
Mon May 16 07:38:07 PDT 2005


Page: (URL)


*         Set up e-address, "coordinator-UG-list at"

*         Set up e-address, "feedback"

*         arrange a DB for the UG's to update their own info on a quarterly
basis in order for the relevant information such as e-addresses, focus,
locations, et al, to stay current; this DB would allow you to auto-drop
groups that are morbid (i.e., no activity/update for 180 days)

*         Date stamp each entry on list of UG's, indicating last contact; 

*         Provide a more consistent format for displaying the information;

*         Provide a listing of vendors who could be cajoled into donating
books, tee-shirts and other stuff for raffling off at UG meetings; 

*         Provide a listing of pre-screen speakers who are SMEs (subject
matter experts) willing to lecture/teach at UG sessions;

*         Given the growing need for considering the corporate focus upon
privacy/security/BIA/DR/BC/etc., as part of "achieving expectations for
regulatory complianceT" perhaps it is time to start linking into sites
providing policies/procedures/checklists.

*         I am currently building a tool to manage the tracking of the lowly
task-set of developing policies, et al.


Howard Wertenteil

howard_nyc at

212-982-0384 (cellphone)


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