www/43454: Packages hard to find, often missing

Remko Lodder remko at FreeBSD.org
Wed May 11 11:33:21 PDT 2005

Synopsis: Packages hard to find, often missing

State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: remko
State-Changed-When: Wed May 11 18:30:38 GMT 2005
I am currently figuring out another PR when i walked into this one.
For the other PR i am building the entire www/ tree and saw that
the INDEX file used is being fetched from the www cluster for every language
over and over again. That gives to me that it uses the latest INDEX file to
generate ports/ which have links to the latest packages. I randomly tested a few
packages and noticed that they were available and were fetchable etc.

So it seems to me that this rather OLD PR is not actually very current anymore.
I will stick this PR into feedback mode for a week, please complain to me if it
still is accurate and needs more work. If not i will close this PR after a week.

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-www->remko
Responsible-Changed-By: remko
Responsible-Changed-When: Wed May 11 18:30:38 GMT 2005
I am currently figuring out another PR when i walked into this one.
For the other PR i am building the entire www/ tree and saw that
the INDEX file used is being fetched from the www cluster for every language
over and over again. That gives to me that it uses the latest INDEX file to
generate ports/ which have links to the latest packages. I randomly tested a few
packages and noticed that they were available and were fetchable etc.

So it seems to me that this rather OLD PR is not actually very current anymore.
I will stick this PR into feedback mode for a week, please complain to me if it
still is accurate and needs more work. If not i will close this PR after a week.


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