A new FreeBSD article

Micho Durdevich micho at math.unam.mx
Fri May 6 13:04:31 PDT 2005

Greetings from Mexico!

I thought you might be interested to list my article "Installing FreeBSD
on IBM Netvista S40" on your FreeBSD-articles/news page. The URL is:


We present several ways of setting up FreeBSD operating system on IBM
Netvista S40, a so-called "legacy free" computer. The difficulty arises
because the machine has no standard AT keyboard controller, and the
existing FreeBSD subroutines for the gate A20 and for the keyboard
controller probes result inappropriate. We discuss a replacement bootstrap
code, which more carefully deals with the A20 issue. Some simple
modifications to the FreeBSD kernel code are considered, too. A manual
method for preparing a bootable installation CD, suitable for both
Netvista and all standard configurations, is examined. Installations of
DragonFly, NetBSD, OpenBSD and OS/2 are also discussed.

Best wishes,
Micho Durdevich

                Desde la Infinita Ciudad de Mexico...
                            Micho Durdevich

 Institute of Mathematics, UNAM  *
  30 02 01 33                    *           Quantum Principal Bundles
  13 21 22 10                    *               Planck Scale Physics
  23 11 12 20                    *               Subquantum Mechanics
  00 32 31 03                    *             Noncommutative Geometry
 http://www.matem.unam.mx/~micho *
                       * * * * * * * * * * *
                                 *  Area de la Investigacion Cientifica
    tel (525) 6224759            *                  Circuito Exterior
    fax (525) 5501342            *                Ciudad Universitaria
                                            Mexico DF, CP 04510, MEXICO

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