www/79239: [PATCH] rewrite usergroups to xml

Remko Lodder remko at FreeBSD.org
Fri Mar 25 11:50:03 PST 2005

>Number:         79239
>Category:       www
>Synopsis:       [PATCH] rewrite usergroups to xml
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-www
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Mar 25 19:50:02 GMT 2005
>Originator:     Remko Lodder
>Release:        FreeBSD 4.11-STABLE i386
System: FreeBSD freefall.freebsd.org 4.11-STABLE FreeBSD 4.11-STABLE #16: Sat Feb 26 00:02:03 GMT 2005 kensmith at freefall.freebsd.org:/c/src/sys/compile/FREEFALL i386

There was a request on the freebsd developers wiki to make the usergroups in XML.
I started rewriting it in XML.

Large patch attached:

Index: usergroups/Makefile
RCS file: usergroups/Makefile
diff -N usergroups/Makefile
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ usergroups/Makefile	20 Feb 2005 12:39:21 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+.if exists(../Makefile.conf)
+.include "../Makefile.conf"
+.if exists(../Makefile.inc)
+.include "../Makefile.inc"
+DOCS=   usergroups.sgml
+DATA=	usergroups-au.html
+DATA+=	usergroups-eu.html
+DATA+=	usergroups-na.html
+DATA+=	usergroups-rest.html
+CLEANFILES=  usergroups.html
+CLEANFILES+=  usergroups-au.html
+CLEANFILES+=  usergroups-eu.html
+CLEANFILES+=  usergroups-na.html
+CLEANFILES+=  usergroups-rest.html
+INDEXLINK= usergroups.html
+XMLLINT?= /usr/local/bin/xmllint # Part of textproc/libxml2.
+usergroups-au.html: entries.xsl usergroups-au.xml ../includes.xsl
+		--param pagename "'Usergroups Australia'" \
+		${.CURDIR}/entries.xsl ${.CURDIR}/usergroups-au.xml
+.if !defined(NO_TIDY)
+usergroups-eu.html: entries.xsl usergroups-eu.xml ../includes.xsl
+		--param pagename "'Usergroups Europe'" \
+		${.CURDIR}/entries.xsl ${.CURDIR}/usergroups-eu.xml
+.if !defined(NO_TIDY)
+usergroups-na.html: entries.xsl usergroups-na.xml ../includes.xsl
+		--param pagename "'Usergroups North-America'" \
+		${.CURDIR}/entries.xsl ${.CURDIR}/usergroups-na.xml
+.if !defined(NO_TIDY)
+usergroups-rest.html: entries.xsl usergroups-rest.xml ../includes.xsl
+		--param pagename "'Usergroups in the rest of the world'" \
+		${.CURDIR}/entries.xsl ${.CURDIR}/usergroups-rest.xml
+.if !defined(NO_TIDY)
+	${XMLLINT} --valid -o /dev/null ${.CURDIR}/usergroups-au.xml
+	${XMLLINT} --valid -o /dev/null ${.CURDIR}/usergroups-eu.xml
+	${XMLLINT} --valid -o /dev/null ${.CURDIR}/usergroups-na.xml
+	${XMLLINT} --valid -o /dev/null ${.CURDIR}/usergroups-rest.xml
+.include "${WEB_PREFIX}/share/mk/web.site.mk"
Index: usergroups/entries.dtd
RCS file: usergroups/entries.dtd
diff -N usergroups/entries.dtd
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ usergroups/entries.dtd	20 Feb 2005 13:05:04 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<!-- DTD for usergroup entries on the FreeBSD website. -->
+<!-- $FreeBSD$ -->
+<!ELEMENT entries (cvs:keywords?, entry+)>
+<!ELEMENT entry (name, url, description)>
+<!ATTLIST entry continent (africa | asia | australia
+	| europe | nzealand | namerica | samerica | meast) #IMPLIED>
+<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>
+<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA|a|b|i|tt|em|p|code|strong|img|ul)*>
+<!-- misc HTML tags -->
+<!ELEMENT a (#PCDATA|img)*>
+<!ELEMENT b (#PCDATA|a)*>
+<!ELEMENT i (#PCDATA|a)*>
+<!ELEMENT tt (#PCDATA|a)*>
+<!ELEMENT em (#PCDATA|a)*>
+<!ELEMENT code (#PCDATA|a)*>
+<!ELEMENT p (#PCDATA|a)*>
+<!ELEMENT strong (#PCDATA|a)*>
+<!ELEMENT ul (li)*>
+<!ELEMENT li (#PCDATA|a)*>
+<!ELEMENT img (#PCDATA|a)*>
+<!-- common cvs tags -->
+<!ELEMENT cvs:keywords (cvs:keyword+)>
+<!ATTLIST cvs:keywords xmlns:cvs CDATA #FIXED 'http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS'>
+<!ATTLIST cvs:keywords version CDATA #FIXED '1.0'>
+<!ELEMENT cvs:keyword (#PCDATA)>
+<!ATTLIST cvs:keyword name CDATA #REQUIRED>
Index: usergroups/entries.xsl
RCS file: usergroups/entries.xsl
diff -N usergroups/entries.xsl
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ usergroups/entries.xsl	20 Feb 2005 13:05:22 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2004 Josef El-Rayes <josef at FreeBSD.org>
+     All rights reserved.
+     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+     modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+     are met:
+     1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+	notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+     2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+	notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+	documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+     $FreeBSD$
+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"
+  xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS"
+  exclude-result-prefixes="cvs">
+  <xsl:import href="../includes.xsl"/>
+  <xsl:variable name="base" select="'..'"/>
+  <xsl:variable name="date">
+    <xsl:value-of select="//cvs:keyword[@name='freebsd']"/>
+  </xsl:variable>
+  <xsl:variable name="email" select="'freebsd-www'"/>
+  <xsl:variable name="title" select="'Usergroups'"/>
+  <xsl:param name="pagename" select="''"/>
+  <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="iso-8859-1"
+    doctype-system="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"
+    doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"/>
+  <xsl:template match="entries">
+    <html>
+      <xsl:copy-of select="$header1"/>
+      <body xsl:use-attribute-sets="att.body">
+	<xsl:copy-of select="$header2"/>
+    	<p>FreeBSD's widespread popularity has spawned a number of user groups
+      	  around the world.  If you know of a FreeBSD user group not listed here,
+	  please fill out a <a href="http://www.freebsd.org/send-pr.html">
+	    problem report</a> for category www.  Submissions should be in HTML
+	  and must offer a short description.</p>
+	<h2><xsl:value-of select="$pagename"/></h2>
+	<xsl:for-each select="entry">
+	  <xsl:sort select="name" order="ascending"/>
+	  <a name="{@id}" href="{url}">
+	    <xsl:value-of select="name"/>
+	  </a><br/>
+	  <xsl:copy-of select="description/child::node()"/><br/><br/>
+	</xsl:for-each>
+	<xsl:copy-of select="$footer"/>
+      </body>
+    </html>
+  </xsl:template>
Index: usergroups/usergroups-au.xml
RCS file: usergroups/usergroups-au.xml
diff -N usergroups/usergroups-au.xml
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ usergroups/usergroups-au.xml	20 Feb 2005 13:04:15 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE entries SYSTEM "entries.dtd">
+  Available continents: < africa | asia | australia | europe
+  | nzealand | namerica | samerica >
+  <cvs:keywords xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS" version="1.0">
+    <cvs:keyword name="freebsd">
+      $FreeBSD$
+    </cvs:keyword>
+  </cvs:keywords>
+  <entry id="bugs" continent="australia">
+    <name>BSD Users Group Sydney (BUGS)</name>
+    <url>http://www.bugs.au.FreeBSD.org/</url>
+    <description>The BSD Users Group Sydney (BUGS) mees every two
+      months and have mailing list members from all over NSW.  To
+      join the mailing list send a message to <a
+        href="mailto:majordomo at bugs.au.FreeBSD.org">
+        majordomo at bugs.au.FreeBSD.org</a> with <code>subscribe bugs</code>
+      in the body of the message. Located in New South Wales.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="humbug" continent="australia">
+    <name>Home Unix Users Group for Brisbane</name>
+    <url>http://www.humbug.org.au/</url>
+    <description>We meet fortnightly at meeting rooms provided by the
+      <a href="http://www.uq.edu.au/">University of Queensland</a>.
+      More information, including how to join the mailing lists, is
+      available at <a
+        href="http://www.humbug.org.au/">http://www.humbug.org.au</a>.
+      Located in Queensland.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="buga" continent="australia">
+    <name>BUGA, The BSD User Group of Adelaide</name>
+    <url>mailto:majordomo at lemis.com</url>
+    <description>We meet at irregular intervals. Join the mailing list
+      by sending a message to <a
+      href="mailto:majordomo at lemis.com">majordomo at lemis.com</a> with
+      the text <code>subscribe BUGA</code> in the body. Located in
+      South Australia.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="vicfug" continent="australia">
+    <name>Victoria's FreeBSD Users Group (VicFUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.vicfug.au.FreeBSD.org/</url>
+    <description>Based in Melbourne. You can join the mailing list by
+      sending an empty message to <a
+        href="mailto:general-subscribe at vicfug.au.FreeBSD.org">
+	  general-subscribe at vicfug.au.FreeBSD.org</a>. Located in
+      Victoria
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="pandaemonium" continent="australia">
+    <name>Pandaemonium</name>
+    <url>http://www.pandaemonium.newmillenium.net.au/</url>
+    <description>The BSD Users Group for Western Australia.
+      Located in West Australia.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
Index: usergroups/usergroups-eu.xml
RCS file: usergroups/usergroups-eu.xml
diff -N usergroups/usergroups-eu.xml
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ usergroups/usergroups-eu.xml	20 Feb 2005 13:03:49 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE entries SYSTEM "entries.dtd">
+  Available continents: < africa | asia | australia | europe
+  | nzealand | namerica | samerica >
+  <cvs:keywords xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS" version="1.0">
+    <cvs:keyword name="freebsd">
+      $FreeBSD$
+    </cvs:keyword>
+  </cvs:keywords>
+  <entry id="bugat" continent="europe">
+    <name>The BSD User Group Austria (BUGAT)</name>
+    <url>http://www.bugat.at/</url>
+    <description>The BSD User Group Austria (BUGAT) is a
+      german-language oriented user group.  Visit our <a
+        href="http://www.bugat.at">server</a> for more
+      information.  Located in Austria.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="bsd-dk" continent="europe">
+    <name>BSD-DK</name>
+    <url>http://www.bsd-dk.dk/</url>
+    <description>The Danish BSD User Group. Promotion and support of the
+      BSD derived Operating Systems in Denmark. Mailing lists, lecture
+      and workshops. Send mail subscription requests to <a
+        href="mailto:bsd-dk-request at bsd-dk.dk">
+	bsd-dk-request at bsd-dk.dk</a>.  Located in Denmark.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="aauug" continent="europe">
+    <name>AaUUG</name>
+    <url>http://www.aauug.dk/</url>
+    <description>AaUUG is a general Unix Group with most interest in
+      Linux and BSD. <a href="http://aauug.dk/postlister.html">
+        Mailinglists</a>, lectures and meetings.  Located in Denmark,
+      Aarhus.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="freebsd-fr" continent="europe">
+    <name>The French FreeBSD UG</name>
+    <url>http://www.FreeBSD-fr.org/</url>
+    <description>Please follow the link for details.  Located in France.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="Aachener-BSD" continent="europe">
+    <name>The Aachener BSD Stammtisch</name>
+    <url>http://foldr.org/mailman/listinfo/bsd-ac/</url>
+    <description>The Aachener BSD Stammtisch is meeting infrequently
+      to discuss BSD and related matters over a glass of beer.
+      Meetings are coordinated through our <a
+      href="http://foldr.org/mailman/listinfo/bsd-ac">mailing
+        list</a>.  Located in Germany, Aachen.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="bsdberlin" continent="europe">
+    <name>BSD Berlin</name>
+    <url>http://www.bsdberlin.org/</url>
+    <description>The BSD Berlin meets every 3rd Friday of the month.
+      For more information about meetings and related issues, please
+      subscribe to our <a href="http://www.bsdberlin.org/kontakt.html">
+      mailing list</a>.  Located in Germany, Berlin.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="bsd-crew" continent="europe">
+    <name>BSD-Crew Dresden</name>
+    <url>http://www.bsd-crew.de/</url>
+    <description>BSD-Crew Dresden is a User Group who has some projects
+      related in bringing the BSD to the desktop and electronic
+      communication.  Located in Germany, Dresden.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="cosmo-project" continent="europe">
+    <name>The Cosmo-Project</name>
+    <url>http://www.cosmo-project.de/</url>
+    <description>The Cosmo-Project is a User Group with a difference.
+      Instead of just meeting, they actively develop project such as
+      robots.  Most users use FreeBSD, but it is not a specifically
+      FreeBSD-related group.  Located in Germany, Duisburg.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="frankfurtbsd" continent="europe">
+    <name>FrankfurtBSD</name>
+    <url>http://www.morix.de/frankfurtbsd/</url>
+    <description>FrankfurtBSD is a User Group for the Rhein-Main area.
+      We are currently looking for new members.  As soon as we have
+      grown later, we would like to meet monthly and maintain minor
+      projects.  Located in Germany, Frankfurt.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="bsdhh" continent="europe">
+    <name>BSD User Group Hamburg (BSDHH)</name>
+    <url>http://www.bsdhhh.org/bsdhh-faq.en.html/</url>
+    <description>The BSD User Group Hamburg (BSDHH) meets on the first
+      Wednesday of the month at 7.00pm in the Chinese restaurant
+      <em>Lotosblute</em>, Luwenstrasse 22 in Hamburg-Eppendorf.  Most
+      members are FreeBSD users, although users of all BSD flavors are
+      welcome.  Located in Germany, Hamburg.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="uugrn" continent="europe">
+    <name>Unix Users Group Rhein-Neckar eV (UUGRN eV)</name>
+    <url>http://www.uugrn.org/</url>
+    <description>The Unix Users Group Rhein-Neckar eV (UUGRN eV)
+      provides a regional forum for users of all Unix flavors, with a
+      stress on Linux and BSD. <a
+        href="http://www.uugrn.org/kalender.php">Meetings</a> are
+      held on the second Thursday of each month at the
+      "hafenschenke" in Mannheim and the fourth Wednesday of each
+      month at the "Vater Rhein" in Heidelberg.  Located in Germany,
+      Mannheim.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="bim" continent="europe">
+    <name>Berkeley in Munich (BIM)</name>
+    <url>http://bim.bsn.com/</url>
+    <description>The Berkeley in Munich (BIM) caters for users of BSD
+      based systems in Oberbayern.  Located in Germany, Munich.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="freeunix" continent="europe">
+    <name>Unix and Linux User Group</name>
+    <url>http://www.2use.de/freeunix/</url>
+    <description>The Unix and Linux User Group is a general Unix Users
+      Group for anyone in Regensburg (Bavaria, Germany).  We meet on
+      every first Monday of the month in the pub ``Filmbuhne'' in
+      Regensburg.  Visit the website or send a message to <a
+        href="mailto:m.suess at 2use.org">m.suess at 2use.org</a>.  Located
+      in Germany, Regensburg.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="bugi" continent="europe">
+    <name>BSD User Group Ireland (BUGI)</name>
+    <url>http://bugi.redbrick.dcu.ie/</url>
+    <description>The BSD User Group Ireland (BUGI) is currently a
+      rather grandiose term for a mailing list and super minimal
+      webpage.  All BSD users and enthusiasts are welcome.  Located
+      in Ireland.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="gufi" continent="europe">
+    <name>Gruppo Utenti FreeBSD Italia (GUFI)</name>
+    <url>http://www.gufi.org/</url>
+    <description>The Gruppo Utenti FreeBSD Italia (GUFI) is a "italian
+      powered" FreeBSD User Group. It is intended to help Italian
+      FreeBSD users to find support and articles on/about FreeBSD in
+      the italian language. Please follow this <a
+        href="http://www.gufi.org/">link</a> to know more about us.
+      Located in Italia.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="bug-lv" continent="europe">
+    <name>BSD User Group Latvia</name>
+    <url>http://www.bug.lv</url>
+    <description>To learn more about the BSD User Group Latvia,
+      please visit our <a href="http://www.bug.lv/">site</a> and
+      our <a href="http://www.bug.lv/">forums</a>.  Located in Latvia.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="nlfug" continent="europe">
+    <name>The Dutch FreeBSD User Group (NLFUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.nlfug.nl</url>
+    <description>The Dutch FreeBSD User Group (NLFUG) has had our first
+      meeting on oct 2, 1999. On this day 30 years before that, the
+      second IMP was installed in Doug Englebart's lab at SRI.  This,
+      as you all know, was the start of something that grew to be the
+      Internet (thanks to Edwin Kremer for bringing this under our
+      attention).  Located in the Netherlands.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="nobug" continent="europe">
+    <name>The Norwegian BSD User Group (NOBUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.nobug.no/</url>
+    <description>The Norwegian BSD User Group (NOBUG) is a User Group
+      for BSD users and enthusiasts in Norway.  Meetings are currently
+      held in Oslo and Bergen.  Visit our website for more information.
+      There is also a Unix User Group (<a href="http://www.nuug.no/">
+        NUUG</a>) with more regular meetings, sometimes even with a BSD
+      subject.  Located in Norway.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="lublin" continent="europe">
+    <name>The Lublin BSD Users Group</name>
+    <url>http://www.FreeBSD.lublin.pl/</url>
+    <description>Please follow the link for details.  Located in Poland.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ptbsd" continent="europe">
+    <name>The Portuguese *BSD Users Group</name>
+    <url>mailto:ptbsd at yahoo.com</url>
+    <description>The Portuguese *BSD Users Group is a User Group for
+      Portuguese users of BSD operating systems.  Contact Rui Pereira
+      <a href="mailto:ptbsd at yahoo.com">ptbsd at yahoo.com</a> for more
+      information.  Located in Portugal, Amadora.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="npf" continent="europe">
+    <name>Nucleo Portogues de FreeBSD (NPF)</name>
+    <url>http://npf.pt.FreeBSD.org/</url>
+    <description>The Nucleo Portogues de FreeBSD (NPF) is a Portuguese
+      FreeBSD User Group that is engaged in the production of
+      documentation in Portuguese language.  Currently the activities
+      are centred on the translation of the FreeBSD Handbook and on the
+      production of CF's (aka HowTos) that try to answer questions or
+      propose solutions to problems that are experienced by Portuguese
+      users. See <a href="http://npf.pt.FreeBSD.org/">
+        http://npf.pt.FreeBSD.org</a> for more information.  Located in
+      Portugal.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="rofug" continent="europe">
+    <name>The Romanian FreeBSD Users Group/Free Unix Group
+      (ROFUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.rofug.ro/</url>
+    <description>The ROFUG (Romanian FreeBSD Users Group/Free Unix Group)
+      is a User Group for the Romanian users of FreeBSD and Open Source
+      in general, promoting and supporting FreeBSD and Open Source usage.
+      To join the mailing lists, send an email to <a
+        href="mailto:listar at rofug.ro">listar at rofug.ro</a> with
+      <code>subscribe rofug</code> and/or <code>subscribe
+        rofug-announce</code> in the body of the message. Located in
+      Romania.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ifug" continent="europe">
+    <name>IFUG</name>
+    <url>http://www.ifug.unixware.ro/</url>
+    <description>The IFUG is a FreeBSD Users Group who support the
+      Romanian FreeBSD community, promoting FreeBSD and Open Source
+      solutions.  The contact address of the group is <a
+        href="mailto:ifug at unixware.ro">ifug at unixware.ro</a>. Located in
+      Romania, Iasi.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="lfug" continent="europe">
+    <name>Lund Linux User Group (LFUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.pentagon.nu/</url>
+    <description>The Lund Linux User Group (LFUG) has nearly 50 members
+      and cover FreeBSD and Solaris in addition to Linux.  To join,
+      contact <a href="mailto:admin at pentagon.nu">Omar Dedovic</a>.
+      Located in Sweden, Lund.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="bus" continent="europe">
+    <name>BSD Users Sweden (BUS)</name>
+    <url>http://www.stacken.kth.se/projekt/bus/</url>
+    <description>The BSD Users Sweden (BUS) maintains a mailing list. To
+      join send an email to <a href="mailto:majordomo at stacken.kth.se">
+        majordomo at stacken.kth.se</a> with <code>subscribe bus</code>
+      in the body. Located in Sweden.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="swissbug" continent="europe">
+    <name>Swiss BSD User Group (SwissBUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.swissbug.org</url>
+    <description>The Swiss BSD User Group (SwissBUG) caters for users
+      of BSD-based systems in Switzerland. Located in Switzerland.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="uafug" continent="europe">
+    <name>Ukrainian FreeBSD User Group (UAFUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.uafug.org.ua/</url>
+    <description>The Ukranian FreeBSD User Group (UAFUG) is a
+      Russian/Ukrainian languages oriented user group for the
+      Ukrainian users of BSD-derivatives, promoting and
+      supporting BSD flavours and Open Source usage.  The UAFUG has
+      had its first meeting on 2 June 2002 and meets every 2-3 weeks.
+      We also provide an open forum for all BSD-related things in the
+      Russian and Ukrainian languages (though we can read/write in
+      english as well).  To join the mailing list send a message to <a
+        href="mailto:majordomo at FreeBSDDiary.org.ua">
+        majordomo at FreeBSDDiary.org.ua</a> with <code>subscribe
+       	freebsd</code> in the body of the message. Check the <a
+	href="http://www.uafug.org.ua/">link</a> above for more
+      information.  Located in the Ukraine.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="bsdgroups" continent="europe">
+    <name>Manchester BSD Users Group</name>
+    <url>http://www.bsdgroups.org.uk/manchester</url>
+    <description>The Manchester BSDUsers Group meets reasonably often in
+      the Lass O'Gowrie, on Charles Street, Manchester.  Contact <a
+        href="mailto:sams at bsdgroups.org.uk">Sam Smith</a> for more
+      information.  Located in The United Kingdom, Manchester.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ukug" continent="europe">
+    <name>FreeBSD UK Users group (FreeBSD UKUG)</name>
+    <url>http://ukug.uk.FreeBSD.org/</url>
+    <description>The FreeBSD UKUG (FreeBSD UK User's Group) exists for
+      the benefit of FreeBSD users in the United Kingdom.  Please
+      follow the link for details.  Located in The United Kingdom.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ybug" continent="europe">
+    <name>Yugoslavia BSD Users Group</name>
+    <url>http://www.bsd.org.yu/</url>
+    <description>The Yugoslavia BSD Users Group provides an open forum
+      for all things BSD-related in the Serbian language.  To join the
+      mailing list, send an email to <a
+        href="mailto:majordomo at bsd.org.yu">majordomo at bsd.org.yu</a> with
+      <code>subscribe bsdyu</code> in the body of the message. Located in
+      Yugoslavia.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
Index: usergroups/usergroups-na.xml
RCS file: usergroups/usergroups-na.xml
diff -N usergroups/usergroups-na.xml
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ usergroups/usergroups-na.xml	20 Feb 2005 13:03:35 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE entries SYSTEM "entries.dtd">
+  Available continents: < africa | asia | australia | europe
+  | nzealand | namerica | samerica >
+  <cvs:keywords xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS" version="1.0">
+    <cvs:keyword name="freebsd">
+      $FreeBSD$
+    </cvs:keyword>
+  </cvs:keywords>
+  <entry id="aafugit" continent="namerica">
+    <name>The Ames Free-Unix Group (AAFUGIT)</name>
+    <url>http://www.aafugit.org</url>
+    <description>The Ames Free-Unix Group aims to promote the use of
+      Free Unix.  We meet on the compus of Iowa State Univerity once a
+      month and hold a presentation with an open question and answer
+      session afterwards.  You can join our mailing list by sending a
+      blank email to <a href="mailto:aafugit-subscribe at aafugit.org">
+        aafugit-subscribe at aafugit.org</a>.  Located in Ames, Iowa.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="buug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>The Berkeley Unix User Group</name>
+    <url>http://www.weak.org/buug</url>
+    <description>The Berkeley Unix User Group is a general Unix Users
+      Group for anyone in the San Fransico Bay Area.  We meet on a
+      weeklybasis in downtown Berkeley.  Visit the web site or send a
+      message to <a href="mailto:buug-request at weak.org">
+        buug-request at weak.org</a> with <code>subscribe</code> in the
+      body.  Located in Berkeley, CA.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="chifug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>The Users of Free Operating Systems (UFO Chicago)</name>
+    <url>http://www.chifug.org</url>
+    <description>The Users of Free Operating Systems (UFO Chicago) is
+      an open-source Unix User Group that meets twice a month
+      in Chicago.  For directions and mailing list information, please
+      check our web site <a href="http://ufo.chicago.il.us">
+        http://ufo.chicago.il.ul</a>.  Chicago, IL.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="cfug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>The Connecticut Free Unix Users Group (CFUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.cfug.org</url>
+    <description>The Connecticut Free Unix Users Group (CFUG) is
+      devoted to free Unix, but has resources for almost all Unixen.
+      Their area of operation is Connecticut and Western Massachusetts.
+      More information can be found at <a href="http://www.cfug.org/">
+        http://www.cfug.org</a>.  Located in Connecticut.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="houfug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>The Houston FreeBSD Users Group</name>
+    <url>http://www.houfug.org</url>
+    <description>The <strong>Houston TX</strong> Houston FreeBSD Users
+      Group was formed March 1999.  Our goal is to promote and educate
+      Houston area computer users on FreeBSD Unix.  We meet on the
+      third Saturday of the month.  The group operates a mailing list at
+      <a href="http://www.houfug.org/mailman/listinfo/hou-freebsd">
+        http://www.houfug.org/mailman/listinfo/hou-freebsd</a>.  Visit
+      our website at <a href="http://www.houfug.org">
+        http://www.houfug.org</a> for more information.  Located in
+      Houston.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="fufin" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Free Unix for Indianapolis</name>
+    <url>http://www.fufin.org</url>
+    <description>Free Unix for Indianapolis is a non-profit organization
+      dedicated to encouraging the use of Free Unix variants in and
+      around Indianapolis.  Essentially, we are a bunch of geeks who
+      share a common passion: Unix.  Visit the web site or send a
+      message to <a href="mailto:info at fufin.org">info at fufin.org</a>
+      for additional information.  Located in Indianapolis, IN.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="kulua" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Kansas Unix &amp; Linux Users Association (KULUA)</name>
+    <url>http://kulua.org</url>
+    <description>The Kansas Unix &amp; Linux Users Association (KULUA)
+      is a Free Unix User Group based in Lawrence, Kansas, but with
+      users throughout eastern Kansas and western Missouri.  We have
+      about 120 members and meet biweekly.  Visit the web site or email
+      <a href="mailto:kulua at kulua.org">kulua at kulua.org</a> for more
+      information.  Located in Lawrence, Kansas.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="wafug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Wichita Area FreeBSD Users Group (WAFUG)</name>
+    <url>http://wafug.yi.org</url>
+    <description>The Wichita Area FreeBSD Users Group (WAFUG) is a free
+      Users Group provided to anyone in the Whichita area for support
+      with FreeBSD and other Unix and Unix-like operating systems.  We
+      meet twice a month, usually in a restaurant where you can smoke
+      or drink if you like.  Please send us <a
+        href="mailto:bfs at kscable.com">Email</a> for more information or
+      to find out how to get free shell account, www or ftp space on
+      our system.  Located in Wichita, Kansas.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="yahoo-club" continent="namerica">
+    <name>The Yahoo Club</name>
+    <url>http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/bsdusersoflosangeles</url>
+    <description>The Yahoo Club group is a foundation for a Los Angeles
+      based BSD User Group.  Located in Los Angeles, CA.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="tcbug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Twin Cities BSD User Group (TCBUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.tcbug.org</url>
+    <description>The Twin Cities BSD User Group (TCBUG) meets once a
+      month to discuss issues importand to the BSD community.  The
+      website carries our major announcements, while you are encouraged
+      to join the mailing list <a href="mailto:tcbug at tcbug.org">
+        tcbug at tcbug.org</a> to keep up with general group discussion.
+      Look at the site, join the mailing list, come to a meeting.  We
+      look forward to learning from you and with you about BSD Unix.
+      Located in Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="nmlug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>NMLUG</name>
+    <url>mailto:majordomo at swcp.com</url>
+    <description>The NMLUG in Alburquerque meets once a month and
+      supports both BSD and Linux users.  To join the mailing list,
+      send a message to <a href="mailto:majordomo at swcp.com">
+        majordomo at swcp.com</a> with <code>subscribe nmlug</code> in
+      the body.  Located in New Mexico.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="new-orleans-bug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>New Orleans *BSD User Group</name>
+    <url>mailto:krzeszut at cs.uno.edu</url>
+    <description>The New Orleans *BSD User Group meets twice a month.
+      contact <a href="mailto:krzeszut at cs.uno.edu">Konrad Rzeszutek</a>
+      for more details.  A web page will be posted soon. Located in
+      New Orleans, LA
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="nycbug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>New York City *BSD User Group (NYCBUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.nycbug.org</url>
+    <description>The New York City *BSD User Group (NYCBUG) meets the
+      first Wednesday of the month.  Mailing lists are available at
+      <a href="http://lists.nycbug.org">http://lists.nycbug.org</a>.
+      Located in New York, NY.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="yfuug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Yavapai Free Unix Users Group</name>
+    <url>mailto:rcarter at consys.com</url>
+    <description>The Yavapai Free Unix Users Group is now forming for
+      *BSD/Linux, etc., users in Northern Arizona.  Please contact
+      Russel Carter (<a href="mailto:rcarter at consys.com">
+        rcarter at consys.com</a>) for details.  Located in Northern
+      Arizona.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="bugo" continent="namerica">
+    <name>BSD Users Group of Orlando (BUGO)</name>
+    <url>http://bugo.zepa.net</url>
+    <description>The BSD Users Group of Orlando (BUGO) is a group based
+      Orlando, FL that aims to bring a <i>friendly</i> forum to all
+      Unix users in the central Florida area, and hopefully beyond.
+      See the <a href="http://bugo.zepa.net">BUGO web page</a> for
+      further details.  Located in Orlando, FL.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="wplug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Westsern Pennsylvania Linux Users Group (WPLUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.wplug.org</url>
+    <description>The Western Pennysylvania Linux Users Group (WPLUG)
+      has a strong and growing community of BSD users that it supports.
+      See our home page (<a href="http://www.wplug.org">
+        http://www.wplug.org</a>) for information on regular meetings
+      and join the mailing lists.  Located in Pennsylvania.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="phoenix" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Phoenix BSD Users Group</name>
+    <url>http://bsd.phoenix.az.us</url>
+    <description>The Phoenix BSD Users Group is fully open for business.
+      Anyone from the Phoenix area please feel free to join in <a
+        href="http://bsd.phoenix.az.us">http://bsd.phoenix.az.us</a>.
+      Located in Phoenis, AZ.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="portland" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Portland (Oregon) FreeBSD Users Group</name>
+    <url>mailto:pdx-freebsd at toybox.placo.com</url>
+    <description>The Portland (Oregon) FreeBSD Users Group meets on the
+      third Thursday of each month.  Mail <a
+        href="mailto:pdx-freebsd at toybox.placo.com">The Portland FreeBSD
+	Users Group</a>.  Located in Portland, OR.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="rlug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Reno Linux Users Group (RLUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.rlug.org</url>
+    <description>The Reno Linux Users Group (RLUG) meets monthly in
+      Reno Nevada and discusses the use of BSD and Linux.  Contact
+      <a href="mailto:info at rlug.org">info at rlug.org</a> for more
+      information.  You may also want to join our mailing list at
+      <a href="http://lists.rlug.org/mailman/listinfo/rlug">
+        http://lists.rlug.org/mailman/listinfo/rlug</a>.  Located in
+      Reno, NV.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="tribug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Triangle Area BSD Users Group</name>
+    <url>http://www.tribug.org</url>
+    <description>The Triangle Area BSD Users Group is a Users Group for
+      BSD users in the Research Triangle Park area of Raleigh, Durham
+      and Chapel Hill.  People interested in this group may subscribe
+      to the mailing list by sending a message to <a
+        href="mailto:majordomo at tribug.org">majordomo at tribug.org</a>
+      with <code>subscribe tribug-members</code> in the body.
+      Located in Research Triangle, NC.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="rifug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Rhode Island Free Unix Group</name>
+    <url>http://users.tmok.com/~rifug</url>
+    <description>The Rhode Island Free Unix Group supports every form
+      of Unix that can be obtained freely.  They can be contacted at:
+      <a href="http://users.tmok.com/~rifug">
+        http://users.tmok.com/~rifug</a> or by e-mail at: <a
+	href="mailto:rifug at entropy.tmok.com">rifug at entropy.tmok.com</a>
+      Located in Rhode Island.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="seabug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Seattle BSD Users Group (SeaBUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.seabug.org</url>
+    <description>The Seattle BSD Users Group (SeaBUG) meets
+      occasianally.  View our web site for more details and for
+      information on how to join our mailing list.  Located in
+      Seattle, WA.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="stlbsd" continent="namerica">
+    <name>St. Louis BSD User Group (STLBSD)</name>
+    <url>http://www.stlbsd.org</url>
+    <description>The St. Louis BSD User Group (STLBSD) has just formed
+      on July 20, 2000 to promote BSD operating systems in the St. Louis
+      area.  We have strong ties to the 10 year old St. Louis Unix
+      Users Group (<a href="http://www.sluug.org">SLUUG</a>) and expect
+      to be a positive for within our community.  Our membership is
+      open to anyone interested in learning more about BSD, several
+      mailing lists are available through our web site. Located in
+      St. Louis, MO.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="sdbug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>San Diego BSD Users Group</name>
+    <url>http://www.sdbug.org</url>
+    <description>The San Diego BSD Users Group for users of FreeBSD,
+      OpenBSD and NetBSD.  The meeting is first Thursday of every month
+      at Boll Weevil off Clairemont Mesa Blvd., near the intersection
+      with Ruffin Road.  More information can be found <a
+        href="http://www.sdbug.org">here</a>.  Located in San Diego, CA.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="bafug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Bay Area BSD Users Group (BABUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.bafug.org</url>
+    <description>The Bay Area BSD Users Group (BABUG) has monthly
+      meetings, alternating between San Fransisco and Berkeley.  Those
+      interested in attending should visit the web site or send mail to
+      the <a href="mailto:jgrosch at mooseriver.com">BABUG Web Master</a>.
+      Located in North San Fransisco Bay Area.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="svbug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Silicon Valley BSD User Group (SVBUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.svbug.com</url>
+    <description>The Silicon Valley BSD User Group (SVBUG), a forum for
+      BSD and BSD embedded systems, meets on the first Thursday of the
+      month.  Meetings are held at the Carl's JR. on First Street and
+      Trimble Road in San Jose, California.  For details on events or
+      what is going on visit the web site or send a message to <a
+        href="mailto:webmaster at svbug.com">webmaster at svbug.com</a>.
+      Located in Silicon Valley, CA.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="silbsd" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Southern Illinois *BSD Group</name>
+    <url>http://www.silbsd.org</url>
+    <description>The Southern Illinois *BSD Group is a meeting place
+      for BSD users to experiment with networks and provide help with
+      installs.  Emphasis is on FreeBSD and it's KDE and GNOME desktops.
+      Located in Southern Illinois.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="uudet" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Unix Users of Deep East Texas</name>
+    <url>http://uudet.org</url>
+    <description>The Unix Users of Deep East Texas is dedicated to all
+      things Unix.  This group is open to users of all flavors of Unix.
+      We meet on the last Saturday of the month at the Angelina County
+      Court House.  See the web page for details, or send e-mail to <a
+        href="mailto:admin at uudet.org">admin at uudet.org</a>.  Located
+      in East Texas.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="tug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Tampa Florida Users Group</name>
+    <url>mailto:bsd-tug-request at bangheadhere.org</url>
+    <description>The Tampa Florida Users Group is now being formed.
+      Interested parties can join the mailing list by sending e-mail
+      to <a href="mailto:bsd-tug-request at bangheadhere.org">
+        bsd-tug-request at bangheadhere.org</a> with <code>subscribe</code>
+      in the body.  Located in Tampa, FL.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="gtabug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>GTABUG</name>
+    <url>http://www.gtabug.ca</url>
+    <description>The GTABUG User Group welcomes all BSD users.  Monthly
+      meetings give attendees a chance to share ideas, discussion and
+      information.  Installations and other events help preach the good
+      news of BSD to the community.  Come drop by for a meeting!.
+      Located in Greater Toronto Area, Ontario.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="tfug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Tucson Free Unix Group (TFUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.tfug.org</url>
+    <description>Tucson Free Unix Group, Arizona.  Located in Tucson,
+      AZ.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="gubug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Greater Utah BSD Users Group (GUBUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.gubug.org</url>
+    <description>The Greather Utah BSD Users Group (GUBUG), formerly
+      known as SLLUG-BUG, and affiliated with the Salt Lake Linux Users
+      Group, is based in Salt Lake City, Utah.  We welcome users of
+      FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD or even Unix or Linux.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="vanbug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Vancouver BSD Users Group (VanBUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.vanbug.com</url>
+    <description>The Vancouver BSD Users Group (VanBUG) is a group of
+      volunteers who are passionate about FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD.
+      Their current goal is to raise awareness and also provide local
+      assistance as much as we can.  Located in Vancouver, BC.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="wcfug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Washington DC FreeBSD User Group</name>
+    <url>mailto:rcramer at sytex.net</url>
+    <description>Washington DC (DC Metropolitan Area) FreeBSD
+      User Group.  Please contact Richard Cramer, Sytex Access Ltd.
+      at 703-425-2515, or preferred, email at <a
+        href="mailto:rcramer at sytex.net">rcramer at sytex.net</a> to be put
+      on a member distribution list.  Located in Washington DC.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="wafug-dynip" continent="namerica">
+    <name>WAFUG</name>
+    <url>http://wafug.dynip.com</url>
+    <description>A new FreeBSD Users Group has been created in Wichita,
+      Ks.  We are fairly new and working on our site, but we wanted to
+      it up as soon as we had it available.  We do not currently meet.
+      Visit our site <a href="http://wafug.dynip.com">
+        http://wafug.dynip.com</a> or e-mail the group organiser (<a
+	href="mailto:ben177 at yahoo.com">ben177 at yahoo.com</a>) for more
+      information!  Located in Wichita, Kansas.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="wuug" continent="namerica">
+    <name>Windsor Unix Users Group</name>
+    <url>http://www.wuug.org</url>
+    <description>The Windsor Unix Users Group (Windsor, Ontario, Canada)
+      covers BSD, Solaris, SCO and others.  This is not specifically a
+      FreeBSD User Group, but we do already have members running
+      FreeBSD.  The group operates a mailing list
+      (wuug-list at unixpower.org).  More information can be found at <a
+      href="http://www.wuug.org">http://www.wuug.org</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="freebsd-mke" continent="namerica">
+    <name>FreeBSD-Milwaukee</name>
+    <url>http://www.sol.net/freebsd-mke</url>
+    <description>FreeBSD-Milwaukee Wisconsin meets occasionally and
+      has a mailing list: <a href="mailto:freebsd-mk-l at ns.sol.net">
+      freebsd-mke-l at ns.sol.net</a> send e-mail to <a
+        href="mailto:freebsd-mke-l-request at ns.sol.net">
+	freebsd-mke-l-request at ns.sol.net</a> to subscribe.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
Index: usergroups/usergroups-rest.xml
RCS file: usergroups/usergroups-rest.xml
diff -N usergroups/usergroups-rest.xml
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ usergroups/usergroups-rest.xml	20 Feb 2005 13:04:27 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE entries SYSTEM "entries.dtd">
+  Available continents: < africa | asia | australia | europe
+  | nzealand | namerica | samerica | meast >
+  <cvs:keywords xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS" version="1.0">
+    <cvs:keyword name="freebsd">
+      $FreeBSD$
+    </cvs:keyword>
+  </cvs:keywords>
+  <entry id="cnfug" continent="asia">
+    <name>The China FreeBSD User Group (CNFUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.cnfug.org</url>
+    <description>The China FreeBSD User Group (CNFUG) was formed May
+      2003.  It publishes the CNFUG Journal (A FreeBSD Tehnical Journal
+      in Simplified Chinese) monthly.  In addition, we offer a BSD
+      UNIX Support forum, IRC and several mailing lists in Chinese.
+      Located in China.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="bsdcolombia" continent="samerica">
+    <name>FreeBSD User Group Colombia</name>
+    <url>http://www.bsdcolombia.org</url>
+    <description>Visit <a href="http://www.bsdcolombia.org">
+        http://www.bsdcolombia.org</a> for the FreeBSD User Group
+      Colombia.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="debug" continent="asia">
+    <name>The Daibou East *BSD Users Group (DEBUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.debug.gr.jp</url>
+    <description>The Daibou East *BSD Users Group (DEBUG) is now
+      forming for "*BSD users in Tsukuba area.  Located in Ibaraki,
+      Japan.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="jfug" continent="asia">
+    <name>The Jogja FreeBSD Users Group</name>
+    <url>mailto:22961476 at students.ukdw.ac.id</url>
+    <description>The Jogja FreeBSD Users Group is based in Yogyakarta
+      City, Indonesia.  Send email to <a
+        href="mailto:22961476 at students.ukdw.ac.id">
+	22961476 at students.ukdw.ac.id</a> for more information.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ibug" continent="meast">
+    <name>The Israeli *BSD Users Group</name>
+    <url>mailto:bsd-il at libagent.org</url>
+    <description>The Israeli *BSD Users Group has a mailing list for
+      general discussion of *BSD operating systems for Israeli users
+      , which includes topics such as setting up and working with
+      Hewbrew in BSD and setting up Internet connections with ISPs.
+      The Israeli *BSD mailing list promotes the use of *BSD throughout
+      the country, and acts as an information center for all *BSD users.
+      Mailing list posts can be sent to <a
+        href="mailto:bsd-il at libagent.org">bsd-il at libagent.org</a>.
+      Visit <a href="http://www.libagent.org/mailman/listinfo/bsd-il">
+        http://www.libagent.org/mailman/listinfo/bsd-il</a> to
+      subscribe. Located in Israel.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="kbug" continent="asia">
+    <name>The Kansai *BSD Users Group (K*BUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.kbug.gr.jp</url>
+    <description>The Kansai *BSD Users Group was established on
+      November 13, 1999.  It is expected to promote communication of
+      any of the BSD variants' users.  Some of its activitities are to
+      hold friendly parties of the members, and to hold seminars
+      covering wide variety of topics.  Please e-mail here (<a
+        href="mailto:kbug-admin at kbug.gr.jp">kbug-admin at kbug.gr.jp</a>).
+      Located in Kansai, Japan.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="mybsd-malaysia" continent="asia">
+    <name>The MyBSD Malaysia Project</name>
+    <url>http://www.mybsd.org.my</url>
+    <description>The MyBSD Malaysia Project is a Kuala Lumpur based User
+      Group for BSD users and open-source in general, promoting and
+      supporting FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD and open source usage.  We
+      meet once a month, usually at Universiti Malaya or Restaurant
+      Bahadur Shah.  One of our projects is to develop a <a
+        href="http://staff.mybsd.org.my/skywizard/bsd-exploerer">Unix
+	file manager</a>.  Visit our web site or contact <a
+	href="mailto:info at mybsd.org.my">info at MyBSD.org.my</a> for more
+      information.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="bsd-malaysia" continent="asia">
+    <name>BSD Malaysia</name>
+    <url>http://www.freebsd.org.my</url>
+    <description>The BSD Malaysia web pages aim to be a central site
+      for users of *BSD Unix variants (including FreeBSD, NetBSD and
+      OpenBSD).  BSD support forums, technical BSD-related articles and
+      recent news items are published online.  Both English and
+      Malaysian can be used as the language on this site.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="freebsd-mexico" continent="samerica">
+    <name>FreeBSD Mexico</name>
+    <url>http://www.freebsd.org.mx</url>
+    <description>FreeBSD Mexico is a spanish oriented User Group not
+      only for people in Mexico but also in other Spanish speaking
+      countries.  Please contact <a href="mailto:acosta at tre-systems.com">
+        Alejandro Acosta</a> for more information.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="nzfug" continent="nzealand">
+    <name>The New Zealand FreeBSD Users Group</name>
+    <url>http://www.nzfug.nz.freebsd.org</url>
+    <description>The New Zealand FreeBSD UsersGroup is located in
+      Wellington.  No meetings have been scheduled yet.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="ebug" continent="asia">
+    <name>The Echigo BSD Users Group (EBUG)</name>
+    <url>http://www.ebug.jp</url>
+    <description>The Echigo BSD Users Group is the users group for BSD
+      users around Echigo (aka Niigata).  For more information on our
+      events and mailing lists, please check the EBUG web site.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="bsdperu" continent="samerica">
+    <name>The BSD Users Group Peru</name>
+    <url>http://www.bsdperu.org</url>
+    <description>The BSD Users Group Peru is a group of people with the
+      objective to promote the use of the different *BSD systems in
+      Peru.  They provide information, documentation and forums for
+      discussion.  For more information you can use their web site, <a
+        href="http://www.bsdperu.org">http://www.bsdperu.org</a>, or
+      write to <a href="mailto:contacto at bsdperu.org">
+        contacto at bsdperu.org</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
+  <entry id="fugspbr" continent="samerica">
+    <name>The Brazilian FreeBSD User Group (FUG-BR)</name>
+    <url>http://www.fugspbr.org</url>
+    <description>The Brazilian FreeBSD User Group (FUB-BR) is a
+      Portuguese language oriented User Group intended to help
+      Brazilian FreeBSD users to find support and articles on and
+      about FreeBSD in the Portuguese language.  We keep some projects
+      such as the "<a href="http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/livecd">
+      FreeBSD LiveCD</a>".  Currently the group has 600 members and our
+      mailing list has an average traffic of 80 messages per day.  To
+      join FUG-BR mailing list, visit <a
+        href="http://www2.fugspbr.org/mailman/listinfo/fugspbr">
+	http://www2.fugspbr.org/mailman/listinfo/fugspbr</a>.
+    </description>
+  </entry>
Index: usergroups/usergroups.sgml
RCS file: usergroups/usergroups.sgml
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" [
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+<!ENTITY title "User Groups">
+<!ENTITY % includes SYSTEM "../includes.sgml"> %includes;
+<p>The power, flexibility, and reliability of FreeBSD attract a wide
+  variety of users,vendors and User Groups.  Below you can select your
+  region and view what User Groups are in your available in your
+  neighboorhood.</p>
+  <li><a href="usergroups-au.html">User Groups</a> in Australia.</li>
+  <li><a href="usergroups-eu.html">User Groups</a> in Europe.</li>
+  <li><a href="usergroups-na.html">User Groups</a> in Nothern America.</li>
+  <li><a href="usergroups-rest.html">User Groups</a> in the rest of the world.</li>
+<p>If you have a User Group that focusses on BSD that should be added
+  to this page, please fill out a
+  <a href="http://www.freebsd.org/send-pr.html">problem report</a>
+  for category www.  Submissions should contain a short description of
+  your group.</p>
+     Local Variables:
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