Today's Work

Simon L. Nielsen simon at
Sun Mar 6 07:04:33 GMT 2005

On 2005.03.05 17:34:29 +0100, Chris Zumbrunn wrote:
> >>> o	Moved news and press to the bottom of the
> >>>	main content. The main content could use a
> >>>	change.
> >>
> >>Someone might argue that news and press are the reason
> >>why they access the first page and that they do not want
> >>to have to scroll down. Currently, they get "lost down there".
> >>Not sure what the best solution would be. In order for the
> >>site to scale well with different window width, we really
> >>could keep three columns. Otherwise the readability of the
> >>advocacy text suffers because it runs to wide.
> >
> >My idea was that a lot of the main content text will be removed /
> >replaced / reworded (or a combination of all three). My idea is that 
> >the
> >PR and News will come further to the top after doing this. Perhaps I
> >should have left this for later; it seems a lot of people have gotten
> >the wrong idea with this.
> I'll make a suggestion for a short reworded intro text, followed by
> the news and press.

Personally I think the press section should just be removed from the
front page, since it's really not that interesting IMHO.

If not, we should merge the news and press sections together on the
front page so we don't "waste" as much front page space on the press

Simon L. Nielsen
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