Today's Work
Devon H. O'Dell
dodell at
Sat Mar 5 00:28:50 GMT 2005
On Fri, 2005-03-04 at 10:58 -0800, Murray Stokely wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 04, 2005 at 06:34:42PM +0100, Devon H. O'Dell wrote:
> > I'm through for the day. The following has been done in my Perforce
> > branch (and a full build is running so that it will be available at
> >
> >
> Hi Devon, this looks much better. It is quite nice. I think the
> layout is a strong improvement, and the CSS drop downs are exactly as
> I was thinking.
> > o Removed the left navigation column and put
> > contents in a `dropdown' menu up top. This
> > menu could be fixed up to look a bit nicer...
> > Ideas?
> I get a little jitter when I use the dropdown menu with Opera on
> FreeBSD.
There are still a couple issues with the dropdown menus as people have
plainly shown (on and off list). These are still a WIP.
> > o Moved news and press to the bottom of the
> > main content. The main content could use a
> > change.
> >
> > o Moved icons under left bar; they look better
> > there IMO.
> Yes they do look better there.
Is it feasible to get rid of some of them, though? Do you guys at
FreeBSD Mall have an updated logo?
> > o Stylized the footer.
> This looks great.
> > o Made two separate color themes for the site.
> > More themes can be made styling the site in
> > pretty much any way imaginable.
> I like the logo on the second level pages, such as :
> It looks nice because the logo is integrated with the top navigation
> bar.
I agree. Again, I think we'll have to wait for the logo contest to
finish before we can put anything definitive there. I hope it's not
something that we have to design around/
> On the front page, there is still too much open space in the upper
> left around the logo. It seems juxtaposed by the navigation bar
> instead of integrated. Maybe if the logo were somehow connected to
> the top navigation bar then it would look a little better in my
> opinion.
I'll see what I can do to make this more fluid. Chris, this logo / bar
combination is your work, do you have any ideas?
> > I expected this version to cut down on page size a bit, but it hasn't as
> > much as I had hoped. The page is only 3K smaller at the moment, and the
> > stylesheet adds an extra 4K. It should be possible to remove some
> > unnecessary things and save a bit of bandwidth as well :)
> Keep up the good work. This is my favorite mock up that I have seen
> so far. Even if others think we must stick with a red/orange theme,
> your layout work would be a nice improvement.
> - Murray
Well, I really want to stress that while I've done the cleaning up, the
colors and the logo (and pretty much the whole idea re: the design) is
from Chris. Any differences have been minor tweaks.
The great thing about the CSS now is that if there are color
preferences, these are easily implemented.
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