Today's Work

Devon H. O'Dell dodell at
Fri Mar 4 17:34:47 GMT 2005

I'm through for the day. The following has been done in my Perforce
branch (and a full build is running so that it will be available at

 o	Total cleanup of HTML. The site is now <div>
	based. All colors and whatnot are given in

 o	Removed the left navigation column and put
	contents in a `dropdown' menu up top. This
	menu could be fixed up to look a bit nicer...

 o	Moved news and press to the bottom of the
	main content. The main content could use a

 o	Moved icons under left bar; they look better
	there IMO.

 o	Stylized the footer.

 o	Corrected a small error in the
	include.header.xsl which caused any XSL part
	of the site to have a nasty header.

 o	Made two separate color themes for the site.
	More themes can be made styling the site in
	pretty much any way imaginable.

I think that's about it. The include.header.sgml and include.header.xsl
still need to be updated to use <div>s and so do _many_ of the subpages.
This is a big piece of work. I see why nobody's jumped in yet ;).

I know the dropdown menu has some quirks in Safari, but it should work
in Firefox and IE. If you've a Perforce account, feel free to commit
changes to my repo, but you won't be able to see the changes until I
sync and issue a build.

Further experimentation with colors would be nice.

I expected this version to cut down on page size a bit, but it hasn't as
much as I had hoped. The page is only 3K smaller at the moment, and the
stylesheet adds an extra 4K. It should be possible to remove some
unnecessary things and save a bit of bandwidth as well :)

More to come soon!


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