Tags like <br/> and our current doctype

Devon H. O'Dell dodell at sitetronics.com
Fri Mar 4 11:05:24 GMT 2005

>From what I recall, tags like <br> are self closing in the HTML 4.0 and
4.01 doctypes, i.e. <br /> is redundant and confuses (or is supposed to
anyway) the parser into thinking the last tag was closed.

However, if I change this to <br>, even with our doctype, it freaks out.
I suppose that the parser doesn't really care what our doctype is, it
just wants the content to be XML-compliant.

<br> is XML compliant, if you have the right entity definition.

So I see two possible options for the future:

1) Figure out how to make the parser like <br> and keep our current
doctype (or upgrade to HTML 4.01/Strict), or

2) Hop over to XHTML 1.0/Transitional, which will allow us to utilize
features of XHTML (and let us keep <br />, which is valid in XHTML)
while still having our Content-type as text/html (this isn't allowed for
any other XHTML doctype)



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