Finally, an implementation of a new

Chris Zumbrunn chris at
Fri Mar 4 09:08:13 GMT 2005

On Mar 4, 2005, at 9:20 AM, Devon H. O'Dell wrote:

> On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 21:01 +0100, Chris Zumbrunn wrote:
>> On Mar 3, 2005, at 8:12 PM, Devon H. O'Dell wrote:
>>> Ah, alright. I'll see if I can find a nice matching dark blue. The
>>> difficult thing about these headers is that they're actually made 
>>> with
>>> a
>>> <font size="+1" color="#99000">, so this isn't directly stylable. I'm
>>> going to go through the web site and clean these sorts of old-style
>>> HTML
>>> semantics up, remove HTML text display and formatting tags (except 
>>> for
>>> the tables) and extend the stylesheets.
>> If we change this, then of course this will impact pretty much every
>> freebsd html page ever produced, including the Handbook etc. And 
>> because
>> the color of these headlines in the Handbook is pretty much the only
>> thing
>> that still gives it the FreeBSD look and feel, that will be a BIG
>> change.
> I don't think that we'll _have_ to change the handbook colors and such.
> It looks to me like the handbook has its own stylesheet, so this
> wouldn't necessarily _have_ to conform to our `new' colors. For
> consistency, it might be nice.

Let's not through the baby out with the bath water. FreeBSD currently 
a consistent appearance throughout all its resources. That's rule number
one if you want to appear "professional" and more important than the
design itself. Better to stick with the design that we have 
than to introduce inconsistency. In my opinion, for consistency, the
handbook for example would _have_ to conform to the new colors.
The same would be true for the switch from a serif to a non-serif font.

For that reason and because the dark red headlines are the most
identifying corporate design element FreeBSD currently has (appart from
the word FreeBSD and Beastie) it would probably be the smartest move
to preserve that. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. The serif font is 
the dark red isn't.


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